Why Dishonorable Kills failed at their intended purpose

read that again… cause it does not say what you think it does

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I’m gonna try to be the top player with DHKs.

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You think it means you can change whatever you don’t like.

It does not.

My goal is to be Hated by as many factions as possible.


My goal is to #occupyorgrimmar

You can have it. Just steer clear of TB

Oh man. Knockbacks on the lift…

Also, unintended pun?

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haha yes, unintended!

No if I was arguing for whatever change I want, I would be arguing for fixing the horrible r14 grind because it encourages cheating or self harm.(which I have argued for and still support) however that has a much higher burden to make a change.

This is a section of Vanilla that did exist and was BETTER in EVERY way than after it was changed. So we are asking that they not add this piece of crap to classic.

It is no different than asking for 1.5 AV or for asking for no CRBGs or 10m strat/scholo, or any of a number of other changes.

Its not like loot trading or guild banks which are changes to systems in the game that do not affect the game, but help out blizz and players with no downside.


So you’re asking for Quality of Life changes, that make the game ‘more enjoyable’ instead of an authentic recreation of the 1.12 Vanilla WoW that Blizzard is aiming for.

Please for the love of god, learn what a QoL change is. You just sound dumb at this point.

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There isn’t any logical argument one could conjure to defend such a defective feature which not only utterly failed at its intended purpose, but also made many people avoid participating in one of those most fun parts of the game: city raids.

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I know exactly what they are. It’s clear, you don’t since “making the game better for players” is the textbook example of Quality of Life improvements for a computer game. You are literally saying “I want to choose the one I think is better” instead of making a faithful patch progression recreation.

Except for “This isn’t a new game where everything is on the table. Its a museum recreation of a 2004-2006 period, with 1.12 as its foundation.”

Where did I say that there that there would not be widespread opposition to leavingthose instances out of Classic.

I simply made the point that for us to insist that they be included in Classic because a portion of Vanilla had those instances is comparable to insisting that Classic be DHK free because a portion of Vanilla was DHK free.

As I said, I am neither advocating for or against DHK’s in Classic.

Blizzard said that 1.12 was the foundation upon which Classic would be based. I do not recall them ever saying that we would be getting 1.12 in perpetuity. Perhaps you could provide an official Blizzard statement to substantiate your claim?

Do you work for Blizzard? Are you privy to their plans?

Irrelevant since Blizzard already confirmed adding multiple things which weren’t a part of 1.12 (or vanilla at all) and removing some that were. They aren’t going for a carbon copy.


With sharding. And loot trading. And an updated UI. With massively altered addon and macro performance. And new texture/environmental graphics. And modern battle.net integration. I could keep going.


Also Irrelevant since this is a system that did exist in Vanilla so its perfectly within the scope of ways to build Classic.

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Slippery slope fallacy.

They are going for as faithful a recreation as they can, with the modern hardware and systems that they are required to use. They’re not adding features that weren’t in Classic, and not removing features no-one liked but were there.

What element did they remove which Vanilla had, but 1.12 will not, that isn’t related to their bug fixes and modern client?

I personally hate DHKs they’re far too punishing ruin city raiding and would kill hours, days, and weeks of grinding. I would love for them not to be in classic but It’s not a deal breaker I lived with them more than once already.

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