Why Dishonorable Kills failed at their intended purpose

You mean if you do any damage to them?

Scenario 1: A accidentally hits a quest NPC and runs away. B finishes it off. Does A get a DHK and does B get a DHK?

Scenario 2: A intentionally hits a quest NPC and drags it into B’s Rain of Fire, then runs away. Does A get a DHK and does B get a DHK?

Dhks are bad because it might effect a handful of players once in a blue moon. While Dhks do stop people from griefing. Yes there will always be the people that still grief but those people will always be there and always were. Pointing to these people isn’t an argument behind why Dhks don’t work. Here is agood idea based on your logic. Should remove the honor system since it promotes people to share accounts thus screwing over other players chance of achieving their rank. Don’t worry tho, this isn’t a QOL change.

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I think the accidental hit is what should be punished.

but maybe just the killing blow… that could be a good idea too.

If I was advocating a QoL change, I’d make PVE server civillian NPCs unkillable and PVP ones, no DHK. But we’re not aiming for Classic 2.0, we’re making a museum recreation of actual events and systems. Aside from a progressive adjustment ending up at 1.12, DHK’s will be in the final system.

Check your fire and check your group mates. Party/Raid with people you trust to not rain AoE into a crowd of non-combatants. Its not hard to avoid DHKs. Be a better player and learn how to engage the enemy and minimize civilian casualties.

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Happened to me when I reached the rank I was grinding to get, some group randomly invited me and I clicked it mistake and some idiot started attacking a citizen and boom never recovered the rank and can’t transmog the gear because of that.

So yeah be sure to pick people you trust, if you care about rank.

Sounds like a terrible solution to a terrible feature.


Are you a Soldier/Warrior or a Murderer ?

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People will still kill npcs, but not those who care about rank. There will be less people killing quest givers.

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Murderer, definitely. As were my old school guilds, and as they will be. There is a place for razing towns in Warcraft. I can’t believe I’m typing this. What the hell has happened to this franchise?

I actually did this on an RP-PvP server back in the day, with a large guild who RPed around genociding the Horde, and the outrage made for amazing PvP and server-specific character conflict. Being the bad guy enriches everyone’s experience, when you do it as the developers intended.

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That’s like saying that never introducing ZG, BWL, AQ, Naxx and all of the battlegrounds would be an authentic experience because there was a time when they were not in the game.


Well, not exactly. It isn’t like DHK’s were content everyone was excited for. They were a big kick in the nuts.

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Battlegrounds killed world pvp. They were a bug as well.

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More like saying we want 1.5 AV instead of 1.12 AV

but no one is saying that…

Or saying we want battlegrounds but not CRBGs…

Its we like the honor system we just dont like this giant turd you attached to it after a bit, can you not put that giant turd in this time around?

Humorously, I’m with you on the battlegrounds bit. Well, apart from the bug. I loved them, but would I prefer a classic without them? Yeah. But that’s going too far, even by my standards.

I’ve got a challenge for ya’. If you can do this, I’ll rethink my whole perspective.

Find me a thread from the the vanilla era wherein the original poster specifically thanked Blizzard in the first post of the thread, for implementing DHKs. Wayback, archives, whatever. If you can do that…

'Cause I can definitely find complaint threads.


Yes, it would.

I’ve not seen anyone on these forums asking that those be left out of Classic. However. If anyone does wish to debate whether those should be left out of Classic, who are we to insist that they be included in Classic?

I, personally, would prefer to see those things you listed included in Classic, but that is just my personal preference.

There were many things that changed over the life of Vanilla. Some people prefer the later, more convenient versions and some people prefer the earlier versions. In the end, though, either version of something that changed during the course of Vanilla would be in keeping with Vanilla.

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At this point you’re just making claims to support another unsupportable claim. Just like there’s wide opposition to removing DHKs, there would be even wider opposition to removing raid dungeons.

And yet, we have the option to change those things over the course of Classic. Blizzard has said that at the end it will be 1.12 in perpetuity. That’s their goal, that’s where all their baselines are headed. So while things can be introduced or removed on the schedule that happened in Vanilla, eventually Classic will be a faithful representation of the state of play at 1.12. Thus DHKs should be (and based on Blizzard’s plans, will be) included.

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No they have not. they have said it will be CLASSIC in perpetuity.
Classic =/= 1.12

After careful consideration, we decided on Patch 1.12: Drums of War as our foundation, because it represents the most complete version of the classic experience.

Yes they have. Or as close to as modern hardware and systems allow.

DHKs are not a system issue.

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