Why Dishonorable Kills failed at their intended purpose

No, logic would state that in a perpetual game, DHKs should only been in the game for the % of time they were in the game. If DHKs were only in vanilla for X number of days, then they should only be in classic for that very same X number of days.

If classic was to only run the same amount of days that vanilla did, then your “logic” would be valid. Saddling classic players with perpetual DHKs is asinine.

Can you please stop spreading misinformation…
If you don’t know please educate yourself and come back when you understand what you are talking about.
If you do know, then why are you lying? That is not a very good thing to do in an argument.

They have EVERY change to the code, they have the 1.12 art assets, and they have at LEAST the 1.12 data.

However they prob have well before that from what they said at the panel. They are def missing some of the early data but we do not know which patch they changed how they worked on patches.

I hope those defending keeping honorable kills because “they were in the game” also should want to keep 1.5 AV because it was “in the game” as well.



They were in the game for 43 days after the introduction of the Honor System. They were not removed before the end of Vanilla. We are not recreating BfA here, so any time after 5th December 2006 is irrelevant. The TBC pre-patch is the end of the time when all these things existed.

Therefore the compromise is to have them from CP3 onwards. However, despite me repeating that over and over, none of you like it, because you don’t actually want Vanilla, you want a Private Server experience where you change whatever you don’t like.

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I am convinced they are just trolling retail players, but I am bored.


I’d like progressive itemisation, progressive AV, and the other over time changes. We already know we won’t get them because Blizzard doesn’t know what the values were any more. 1.5AV was only “in the game” for part of Vanilla.

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And you do not actually want classic but rather you are just here trolling for reactions.

You do not get to claim perpetual DHKs simply because classic has no expiration date, yet graciously state that those who do not want DHKs can have a handful of set deadline days without them.

There is no compromise.

this is not a patch progression vs static change.

The fact is the Honor system was in the game both WITH DHKs and WITHOUT DHKS.

So we are trying to make an authentic experience. So the same reason people want 1.5 AV or bugs removed is the same reason people want DHKs left out.

DHKs as implemented in vanilla are a bug.


You’re trying to create your “preferred” franken-patch. That’s called making changes for QoL. I already said put the DHKs in at the same time that Vanilla did, with CP3. You’ll actually get twice as long without DHKs than Vanilla did because of the merging of 1.3 and 1.4 into CP2. You just don’t like that because it doesn’t give you what you want which is not what Vanilla was. Its not “authentic” it’s cherry picking.

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And you would have perpetual DHKs from there on out.

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Ok you are def a troll at this point.

Cause that is EXACTLY what they asked for peoples opinions on when they created these forums, is what you want classic to look like.


Unless Blizzard released “fresh cycle” servers at the end of two years and you could start all over again.

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The same faces yelling about Sharding, don’t want DHKs. So can I conclude that all the “No Sharding” was simply trolling too?

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No they are people who do not understand reality.

I don’t recall saying that people were asking for a 43 day hiatus.

I was making the point that vanilla existed both with and without DHK’s, so it would be an authentic experience either way.

Claiming that only having DHK’s would be authentic is more than a little dishonest, to say the least, IMO.

There are people that prefer the earlier version of vanilla that did not have DHK’s, just as there are people who prefer an earlier version of AV over the 1.12 version.

If you were aiming for “authentic” you would asking for a 43 day hiatus (or just CP2) from DHKs, because that’s what Vanilla had.

Repeatedly strawmanning the current compromise is more dishonest. I’m not saying “Always DHKs” now. I’ve said repeatedly in the last few posts that the compromise is CP2 without DHKs, and then CP3 onwards. No-one likes it because they don’t get their QoL change. Its not about ‘preference’, its about authenticity.

The authentic experience would be CP2 with Honor and no DHKs, CP3 with DHKs and AV1.5, and then each progressive Content Patch making the adjustments that were made to each system in the 2 patches for that Content Patch. But that doesn’t give people no DHKs forever, which is not what Vanilla was.

People can’t face up to the fact that after 2 years the Classic experience will be 1.12 forever, and want changes that never happened.

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Only quest NPCs…

You can slaughter as many lvl 20s in redridge as you wanted… with zero penalty.

I went out of my way to get DK’s. I had thousands.


Dishonorable kill from a citizen is kinda rpg like.
Sure I lost a rank from someone attacking one, because some people go crazy when raiding lowbie towns.

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I think they should change it to where if you tag the quest npc…you as an individual are the one who gets the DK… not anyone else.

Or have PvE servers have DHKs, while pvp servers do not.