Classic PvP Content Plan

I’d prefer them not to be included but I can understand why blizzard left them in. They want the World PvP outside of towns.

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Please reconsider pushing Dishonorable kills further back!!! : )


Well they originally put them in to try and discourage people from camping lowbies, but turns out the people that camp lowbies don’t care about ranking so it just kind of failed.


I’m all for progressive itemisation but only if they have the real settings from the Database. Private Servers basically made up things like proc rates and the other invisible settings, so unless Blizzard has the data…

Why? It will take months to grind anyway, what difference does it make? It’s not like people will have a free full High Warlord set just for showing up.

and they were eventually removed, correct?

This is fantastic news guys but will people be able to get the Tabard for being the top dog with the most HK comes P2 with the honor system much like how it was in vanilla?

I can’t complain about this. Overall it is good. I believe the honor system should launch in Phase 1, then Phase 3 bring BG’s…but whatever.


Not before 2.0.1

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Its not a big deal when you do the math on how long it takes to get it, versus the content released, then add up how few people can unlock them per faction per week.

You end up with a very small number of people with the purple gear (the blue gear isn’t a big deal) and those with the purple gear have a slight edge for a few weeks before the content roll out catches up to the purple stuff anyway.

With the way the timing works, its not going to ever be efficient to just, casually drift over to PvP and bang out 3 months of grinding to advance your PvE progression…


I’m mostly curious as to the time between releasing these “updates.” Should we expect the 6th phase within a year of release? Two years?

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If its authentic, see this post:

And they say Classic won’t be popular… look how quickly this thread got 350 replies.

Sounds good!

Of course the blue post comes up seconds after I leave the forums!
Very cool news though.

Releasing the honor system with the 1.12 version of PvP rewards instead of sticking to the itemization timeline you already said you’re committed to is a mistake. I understand that the people that grinded rank 10 were upset that they had to earn that rank again to buy the items once they were updated in 1.12, but the easy solution to that is to just allow people to buy items based on highest rank achieved rather than current rank.


Spell penetration trinkets should come out with warsong and not after arathi.
Please have no cross realm bgs and an earlier AV.


Adding the 1.12 PvP gear on release of the honor system in phase 2 is not a good idea. Even excluding the weapons, items such as rank 13 warrior shoulders or rank 12 warrior boots are incredibly powerful compared to any other available items at the same point in the timeline; we’re talking about arguably Naxx level gear being available before BWL is released and before the updated pre-raid blues are added to the drop tables in dungeons.

The argument claiming that there won’t be that many players with this gear doesn’t hold weight either; many players will get rank 12 or rank 13 and have access to a subset of these overpowered items. Access to the rank 14 weapons is not the only thing to consider here. Even the updated blue PvP items are very strong compared to available pre-raid gear at the same point in the proposed timeline, considering that the 1.10 updated loot tables won’t be added to dungeons until phase 5.

Additionally, this doesn’t even logically make sense with the other proposed content phases. I get the impression that Blizzard wants to emulate the actual release experience, thus why they are not releasing classic with the PvP system enabled from the start (even though I dislike this as a vanilla veteran, I understand the logic here), yet they want to give players the opportunity to get items that were impossible to obtain before patch 1.10 and even before AV or Warsong Gulch comes out? This is inconsistent and just asking for uncontrollable world PvP for the entirety of phase 2; players will have an incredible incentive to rank up to get this overpowered gear, yet they will have no way to farm honor outside of world PvP. I can only imagine what the forum posts will look like when less experienced vanilla players are getting camped by myself and a group of other players simply because we want the incredibly powerful PvP gear in phase 2, but can’t gain honor by any other method.

I feel that many of the people posting about this topic don’t actually have much, if any, experience with the original PvP system, or have any idea of what the impact of this will be on the player base. I think this argument is exposed and reinforced by the sheer number of players claiming that they prefer the original AV as opposed to the 1.12 version (good luck grinding reputation or honor with the original AV implementation); yet, simultaneously, these same players don’t have problem with releasing absolutely over-scaled PvP gear in phase two, when this updated gear wasn’t even available at the same time in retail vanilla.

All I ask of Blizzard is to be consistent in some manner. I understand that item stat change progression is difficult to incorporate into the timeline and also a difficult task to do in terms of data maintenance; however, please realize that releasing this gear in phase 2 will undoubtedly lead to a huge gear discrepancy between the top players and the rest of the player base, when this wasn’t actually the case in retail vanilla because this gear wasn’t nearly as powerful.

I personally believe that every other proposed facet of the classic release announcements have been exceptional and completely reasonable except for this PvP announcement, and I hope a testimony such as this can initiate a productive dialogue.


Just how I like my PVP

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that’s great and all, but if AV is a 5 min run-by-each-other zerg with no pvp, I will probably make like Korrak in post-npc-nerf-AV and leave WoW

I just want to experience the version of AV that I remember from original vanilla