Why did you hate Bfa?

So your point is that an event that has never happened never happened?


I’m glad I could hold your hand and lead you on the path to understanding.



I was just sort of curious what you were referencing with “Horde has never beat Alliance in a fair fight”, because to the best of my knowledge, we haven’t had ye olde line up an even number of men and fire muskets at 20 paces on the count of 3 here.

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The Alliance has to win because if the Alliance wins the Horde will continue to exist and we can still have a game. If Horde wins, there’s no more game.

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Seems like alliance bias to me. Keep defending the obvious favoritism for elves and humans and all their allies.

I mean, that’s absolutely a problem with how BFA was presented.


Literally every time the Horde fought the Alliance during WotLK?
Lordaeron? TWICE?

Someone else can bring up a multitude I’m forgetting.

The issue you’re glibly dancing around is that the Horde never gets to win fair fights because Blizzard decides that they will not and can not. So, they write the weaker, feebler Horde pulling an often one trick macguffin to steal victory from the superior in every way (except for cheating!) Alliance.

And I’ll remind you, the civilians of one race were superior soldiers to the armies of THE ENTIRE HORDE.


And then we agreed there hasn’t been a fair fight in the franchise.

Because honestly, a “fair” war is something that isn’t going to happen. There will always be outstanding complications or advantages.

I’m not sure what you’re going for here.


We agreed that the Alliance is portrayed as stronger, more powerful, better in every single way (except cheating!) than the Horde.

Blizzard writes the Horde as evil, stupid, weak, and lesser.
Blizzard writes the Alliance as correct, smarter, stronger, and better.

You don’t lose often when you play Alliance. So, when you win without a flawless record, you feel like it’s a loss.

That’s where we are.

We’re explaining why you think that capturing the Orcish Racial Leader, and routing the ENTIRE HORDE out of its vanilla zone and capital city are “janitorial duty.”


Interesting interpretation.

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion. Mine differs a bit, but it’s not an unreasonable read of events.


Just wanna express that the fact that you think that when you defeat the enemy faction is “Janitorial Duty” is a testament to the issue all on its own.



Tagging along after the Horde player character, cleaning up the mess and putting things back where they were before.

It was a bit of a facet of the war campaign. Not the only one, of course.


BfA is a real love/hate expansion. I loved the zones, loved the themes and the feeling of danger in places like Nazmir, some of the visuals were gorgeous (the vistas in Stormsong Valley, the blood moon over Bwonsamdi’s crypts). I loved the idea of warzones and island expeditions but very quickly hated the execution. I kept Warmode on the entire time because it made for some incredibly fun moments with either huge battles or these like…knife-fight-in-the-mud things when a supply drop would land and you’d have to fight some dude for it in the middle of nowhere.

But I quit playing after a few months because
-I was ok with Vulpera as a concept but hated them as a playable race. And when they came out there were a lot of them. Like if Disney made Vermintide. And they were all perverts and weirdos.
-Island Expeditions didn’t feel like you were exploring anything.
-The themes were there but there were a lot of cringey narrative holes and terrible dialogue.
-Azerite system was horrible
-Hearing Magni all the time

Biggest Gripe by far though:
-All of the naval battles in an expansion about a war with two island nations as settings with powerful navies were either in cinematics or as bit parts here or there. Even in MoP there was a scenario that had you playing discount Black Flag jumping from ship to ship in a naval battle. This could’ve been Blizzard’s chance on improving garrisons and giving some kind of player housing by giving us a ship since apparently everyone and their mother knows our PC as “the commander”. Instead there was a docked ship in the capitol city with a mission map and quest givers that told us what to do. This is after we got a “Shipyard” in our garrison in WoD that was just like…a building that you sent ships on and had to imagine how cool it was. And knowing that since this is “the” naval expansion and it didn’t have that feature, we wouldn’t be getting it for the next several expansions.


Warmode, Warcrates, WPVP Quests, and the Bounty system are some of the best additions to the game in years.



And Bwonsamdi was pretty rad. Out of all the characters introduced in BfA his was the only one that I enjoyed seeing every time he was on screen (which I saw a lot considering Warmode was left on lol).

Quick note if anyone from Blizzard is reading this do not write anything more for Bwonsamdi until you get your house in order on the writing staff. You have precious few characters people still like introduced after Legion, don’t blow it.


Just want to say I think this is very fair. That is what the thread is asking for.


I play both sides, so I maintain my right to be universally grumpy!

Well, that and I’m happiest when I’m being an irascible curmudgeon anyway.


Alynsa sure picked a time to not visit the forums…

Ahem… I dare say… that sounds awfully dwarf-like of you. By chance be you of Tolkeen descent?


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It’s purely by chance that Sledgehammer is my favorite character to post on.


No problems. I have a similar situation with Nightsong…

I’m half tempted to reroll her as a Blood Elf… but that’s just because I want a red background.