Why did you give your character the name you did?

Initially, Tynne’s name was going to be pronounced the same as “Tin”. Just thought it sounded nice.

However, people started calling me ‘tiny’ and I was like, “Wow! I’m more clever than I realized! Except other people found out first…” and I just stuck with it!

Not really all that exciting, honestly…

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It was the name the random name generator suggested.

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Not this character but…

I randomly generated my first main’s character name as Flauris (Night elf male name). For some reason in voice chat more than one separate group started calling me Flower or Flowers.

My newest character, my orc warrior, has the name Floweret because Flower and Flowers was taken. I even changed my discord name to Flowers.

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Merely from the enjoyment I got out of playing the classic Spyro games as a lil’ kid :dracthyr_tea:
The purple part of the name comes from Crash Purple, which was a cross over game with Spyro, Spyro Orange.

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I sat on this name when the server first opened. It used to be a shaman, and then MoP dropped. I knew what had to be done.

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It’s a random generated orc name

and i liekd it

I think mines obvious :grin:


Randomize button is awesome sometimes.

No real reason. I liked Shadow as a school and thought the concept of dark magic was neat. So I took the first half of the word, and tossed a feminine sounding ending on it. Hence Shadina.

Originally I made Nutts as a Protection Warrior, it started out as a bit of humor… a tiny little pink haired gnome stabbing giant bosses in the toes with a sword too big for her… it was funny to think about… and one thing crossed my mind “that’s nuts”… and thus Nutts was born…

I named my character after Wilfred Fizzlebang, the greatest warlock who ever lived.


Someone told me to name my character Silica. I said okayyyyyyyyyyy. It was taken so I put that fancy alt character in.

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This character? Randomizer.

My Priest Noxdotter?
Nox is the latin for Nyx the greek goddess of night (and adopted by the romans)
dotter is the Scandinavian “daughter of”
So being both a nelf… and usually a shadow priest it was a multi layered name with a built in pun.

My monk(s):

Well pretty obvious I followed the same pattern as the priest but with less subtlety this time.

I tried to put lucky but the name was already taken.

Because that’s what he does when fighting.

This is one of my alts.

I wanted something that sounded both Goblin and a bit silly. This name just popped into my head and I ran with it.

It’s just… a name? I also have Eric, Dan, David, Jeremy, Brian, Joshua and other ‘regular’ names for characters. No special characters or anything :smiley:

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For years, this character had the name Hatred. However, I gave it to my DH as I felt it was more appropriate for the class, and in comparison to my DH’s initial name (Idkhowtotank, clever I know) I was just really over the ‘sarcastic’ Veng DH name, especially given that I love and do actually know how to tank.

Anyhoo, Jbob is a nick-name that a childhood friend gave to me in about 4th/5th Grade.

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Also named my Wrath Classic guy the same as my actual main. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ammayza was a name I used in the old Star Wars Galaxies before it was shut down. I still like the name and see no reason why I should stop using it. Also, yeah I am that old, lol.

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