Why did you give your character the name you did?

Literally this.

I forgot about Toph. She has some great moves to that they can take inspiration from.

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-stealth rogue-

Shaman: -seismic sense-

I actually like this idea a lot and all four elements could be more focused(like a druid almost)

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I was particularly fixated on Wrath & Arthas about half a year ago and took on a handle with ‘Mourne’ in it for a bit.
I wanted to include the word in my character’s name for sake of tie-ins, so I came up the excuse that “Mournefall” is a given title referencing—lore-wise—being the one (or one of many) to fell the Lich King and ultimately Frostmourne.
I don’t roleplay, so it isn’t serious personal lore nor do I plan to keep the name because I’ve grown out of it.

My DK, however, will carry the torch with “Nevermourne.” Far more fitting, anyway.

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Such a waste. A name like that and not a roleplayer.

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I came from EQ where I played a Bard and Enchanter and thought “haha, I’ll never play a dumb melee class” so I gave it a name that I thought was dumb. 18 years later and I still main it.

It was the last name of a character I played in my first MMO, Phantasy Star Universe. He was a ranged fighter, so I went with it here. The rest is history.

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I am, at least, a creative. If I decide to keep it and write about or draw him, I could make it work.

I certainly love the name. Whether you roleplay or not it is very cool to see regardless.

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Yeah they just had a US tour. Buuuuuuuuuuuut it was for outdoor venues because of how big the show is lately. Was not having any of that with the heat lol.

Saw them twice in vegas and once here in arizona

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My old main, Phodge (Hunter), got his name because a guildie routinely called me (the player) FOJ in Discord (it stands for “fat old Jew” - which wasn’t derogative as I sort of embraced the name).

As a surprise for him, one day I changed my name from Ehiztari to Phodge, just to get a reaction out of him (it worked, we laughed).

I joined a guild later that had a pattern with regards to alt names - they all sounded alike - so my other characters became Lodge (this toon), Stodge (mage), Podge (death knight), Dislodge (priest), and Bodge (druid).

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Basically this.

Stuck in the past of the 95s and had a huge crush on the singer in my early teens.

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I was actively playing Tekken Tag Tournament 2 when it launched shortly before MoP, and was maining the character Zafina.

So once MoP was released and rolled my monk, I gave her a close-sounding name.

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Idk it just kinda happened.

I was looking for something that could describe a paladin well and combined Neri meaning burning light and caryn roughly meaning pure.
It just kinda stuck after that.

Name is from an old D&D campaign where the DM had made his own pantheon of deities. Radaster was the one my cleric from that game followed.

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Dead. Pink-y.

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Malochai was a vampire in a Poppy Z. Brite book.
My Malochai is blood death knight , so its fitting.
The spelling is the correct spelling.


Sailor Moon is the only anime I’ve ever liked and I really liked Sailor Saturn, hence the name of this druid. I tried naming my NE druid “Rei” (Sailor Mars) but that name was unavailable across all servers.