Why did you give your character the name you did?

I wanted a name themed around the Black Dragon nomenclature and came up with Decration. It’s a play on the word Decreation which is just another way of saying Destruction.

What motivated/inspired you to make your character’s name?


I pressed randomize and it looked good


Just randomly tried the name in shadowlands because back in 2011 i knew a battlemaster battlemaster on my old server and to my surprise it was actually available on stormrage lol

Immediately transferred my horde pally from illidan and renamed


Lucky. Closest I got a good one for a Gnome was one I simply rearranged: Clockatoo.

Just popped into my head


I saw the name in the end credits of Ogre Battle in big letters, I took it. Its mine now! I been using it ever since.

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Almost has the aspect of Nether or Neath. Fitting you’re a void elf warlock.

I really liked the name Amara back then. And because I like the nickname ‘Mara’ or and Ara-Ara. >:)


My kittens name is Misty. She’s 4 months old. I got her around the time I made this character.


I get my names from fantasynamegenerators.com.


Opie and Anthony meme. A bunch of people wanted to make a guild with that motif in vanilla, from a fan site. Of course the guild never worked out but the name stuck.

Then years later a popular song was made and everyone thinks it’s about that. Which is fine cause that song is pretty damn funny.

i used to be Tetsuo being inspired by those movies:

Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Tetsuo II: Body Hammer

but ppl thought it was a character from akira and they kept yelling KAAAAAANEEEEEEDAAAAA at me which is a reference to something in the akira world i assume.

so i changed one letter :slight_smile:

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Theme to The Jetson’s. Replaced ‘his boy Elroy’ with ‘his boy Hellroid’
in my head…it stuck. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I wanted something that sounded properly orcish

And I did such a good job blizz stole it in cata for Malkorok


I stole this on from someone on the forums. Imma terrible person…

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I like this band:

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You likely saw someone punting a Gnome and his bounce over the wall caused a sound similar to your name.

OT: Like short names.

There is an old tale goes that Herne the hunter,
Sometime a keeper here in Windsor forest,
Doth all the winter-time, at still midnight,
Walk round about an oak, with great ragg’d horns;
And there he blasts the tree and takes the cattle
And makes milch-kine yield blood and shakes a chain
In a most hideous and dreadful manner:
You have heard of such a spirit, and well you know
The superstitious idle-headed eld
Received and did deliver to our age
This tale of Herne the hunter for a truth.


I used to main a mage.