Why did you give your character the name you did?

Definitely what a Troll would say.

Typed in Bonelord, very much expect the name to be taken. Wasn’t. There ya go.

That actually goes for a couple my recently made characters as well.

did you try

B O N E B A B Y ?

I’m not worthy of such names.

This character is named after Ar-Pharazôn, last king of Númenor from—mainly—the Akallabêth from the Silmarillion. I used the name for a D&D character in a homebrew campaign when third edition first came out, and when I deleted my first paladin, Graaw, in WoW because I decided I didn’t want to be a dwarf, deleted said dwarf, and made a human one ( :dracthyr_nervous_animated:) early in TBC, I went with a blonde and so the name fit. When Dark Irons became available, I game up my evil, human ways and saw the light, race changing to Dark Iron as soon as I unlocked them.

Earlier on when this character was created, the name wasn’t very popular, and I’ve got 8 characters named this, 5 with no circumflex and 3 with it on the ‘o’ (I generally don’t like using any characters with diacritics in names because I have this hang up against names that can’t be used in full quickly with /target :dracthyr_shrug: ).

I figure now that variations on Ar-Pharazôn (and Tar-Míriel/Ar-Zimraphel, his wife, which I’ve based names on as well including a rogue older than this character) will become possibly more popular to use now that they are used as characters in Amazon’s Rings of Power, since—though just a few pages in it—they are mentioned in the LotR appendices. I have yet to start watching that series and am waiting until all the episodes hit, so I have no perspective on how they are portrayed. And, I am waiting until I actually watch it before coming to an opinion on it as a whole.


I was angry. >:(


It speaks for itself


I originally named my character Myliina which came from a classmate of mine. I thought her name was pretty and unique. Later I decided to change it to Myaa just to shorten the name. As for my alts most of them are named after greek goddesses because of my fascination for greek mythology.


Yep, that’s how my original Graaw got her name too, plus it fit well for the old “old angry dwarf woman” face from the old models like this:


Because someone had a toon sitting on my favourite name, Verina.

Because I like random names that are just something IRL and someone took “Crumpets” :frowning:

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I like Russian names. Took this one from the anglicized surname of an obscure Tampa Bay Lightning hockey player from the early 2000’s.

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I thought it sounded cool and evil.


High-Tech Special Forces Unit.



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“salvation a la mode and a cup of tea”


A song playing on the radio. Plus my friends call me Red.


Shenanigans was taken. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I named his after Walker Boh the one-armed druid in the Shannara series.

Yes, I am not a druid but the druids in the Shannara lore do not change forms and as Walker Boh was known as the Dark Uncle, with a smattering of elf blood, the Belf Warlock seemed to be the best fit.


Unlike Pharazon, this was a much more popular name (at least spelled exactly) even early on. When I started playing in Feb '05, I tried to get this name on every single server that existed for the US at the time, and I tried as soon as I could remember or get a chance to login on to every new server came up starting then. Finally, I got I was able to get it as soon as the Dark Iron server launched. I was satisfied with that, and didn’t try making any more Walkers. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

I never did level him much in those 17 years (I think he was 21? before the squish), but I’ve never deleted him either even when bumping up against the character limit on my main account.

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