Why did you give your character the name you did?

I’m a ginger in RL and the character is dyslexic and was going for ‘Ginger Megs’

Originally wanted Rosenrot. Fav song and album from Rammstein so it means a lot to me. Buuuuuuuuut it was taken. So I was sitting there in the creation menu. I noticed with the red hair ( back when this character was a girl ) they looked like Poison Ivy. So I smooshed the words together. I did base some of Rosenivys backstory on the song still.


Heres a translation of the song if anyone is curious. I’d share the music video but I’m just not the biggest fan of the video. Nothing bad is in it I just think its boring. But that’s on youtube if anyone wants to see it.

edit Oh wait I forgot they uploaded a lot of their music to youtube. Good, cuz the alternative would have been fan edited ones where its slightly sped up to avoid strikes and I hate it


It was an RP name I used a billion years ago. So back in EQ, I named my enchanter Indaria Firemist.

And every since, I have an Indaria in every game. It’s not the only name I use, but its always a “pet” class.

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I don’t know, I guess because I am really bad with names. I usually name my characters after food, like this character here back in BFA had the name of “Hubbabubba” because I always would chew Hubba bubba whenever I played WOW. But I guess this name came from my love for eating spaghetti.


Tummy rubs are the bestest


Trying to come up with a name for a Dark Iron Dwarf isn’t difficult but I like coming up with names most people don’t use. Anvohria was basically taking Anvil from Dwarves and trying to come up with something feminine. After looking around for viking/nordic style names I found quite a few that inspired me but weren’t really fitting.

Also I found a random name generator for Dark Iron Dwarves and hit randomize until I found a name I liked and combined it with Anvil.

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This thread seems fun - but my reasonings are lame lmao

All of my characters are named by racial naming conventions or as close to them as I could get and still have something I liked.

Stormkeg - dwarf, shaman
Manaspring - gnome, mage
Lunastrea - fem-nelf, warrior
Malcolm - Human, lock
Jin - Panda, priest
Kysandre - fem-velf, hunter
Kaldoran - nelf, demon hunter
Roselyn - fem-tiran, rogue
Blackwood - worgen, druid
Jalaani - fem-draenei, monk
Aurion - lf-draenei, paladin
Vanithras - velf, death knight


I followed those as well. This DK used to be a Dwarf Blacksmith and his name was Forgefyre. Sometimes the basic is short and sweet.

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I was surprised some of the simple names like Jin, Malcolm, or Blackwood were available lol


Blackwood sounds awesome.

This video:


That’s amazing.

Lol originally I liked the idea of having “you” in my name so that when npcs refer to me as you it’s like they are saying a shortened version of my name and not just… “you”.


This character was originally male, and the name I wanted was Zephon (I’m a huge fan of the Soul Reaver series, so I’ve got various characters in WoW and other games using the names of the Sarafan Brotherhood; Rahab, Zephon, Dumah, Melchiah, Turel, Malek etc.) but as that was taken, I used the character’s last name instead.

The story for the character has changed, so now this character is the original’s daughter.

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Well, you see… a long time ago, my mom gave birth and…

I like Rita’s Italian Ice.


Because rev was taken

I wanted to make a new Kul’Tiran, and I was listening to Bad, Bad Leroy Brown; so, I was like “what’s a feminine version of Leroy” and “Leyrosha” was the the first thing that came to my mind. :dracthyr_love_animated:

I was named lick but blizz told me lick is an unacceptable name in wow basically just another dumb totem pun name I truly wanted ophrahwindfury back in day but taken and I sit with kiss today just another dumb totem pun name.


I sneak

and I break
