Why did we get fat humans?

Appearances is the whole point of races for us though… which one we find the coolest.

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Also they’re not fat. A lot of that is muscle. They’re fisherman, sailors, folks used to being at sea and living a hard life. Not the kind of folks who can sit down and live a leisurely life where fat would develop.

Have you seen the kind of guys who engage in strongmen competitions? You’ll see that a number of them look fat. That’s not fat, that’s raw muscle.


Probably like how lingerie catalogs now show the one fat chick. Its shows how progressive and woke they are :thinking:

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Your average 18th century sailor worked 12-16 hours a day every day and consumed an average of 5000 calories a day and still easily maintained the weight required for the royal navy, without becoming morbidly obese. Why because they were not sitting in a tavern swilling beer for 20 hours a day. They were performing back breaking grueling work that would never in any meaning of the word ever allow them to become so fat they couldn’t climb a ship’s rigging. Sorry the Kul Tirans are not believable as sailors.


Well, whatever. They’re here and they are what they are and you can’t do anything about it anyway. I’m making one and clearly you won’t be so the only person that’s going to get any enjoyment is me.

Complain all you like lol. Nothing will come of it.

nightborne were also a work in progress…oh wait they look ugly as hell and never got fixed.

I started my Kul Tiran, and though I can’t get over the frumpiness and won’t ever be able to finish leveling it, I do absolutely love the druid forms.

Poor highmountain and their bears/cats with horns. I mean seriously, could they not have put even slightly more effort into it? Trolls and (albeit fat) Kul Tirans have it good.

Because a HUGE number of players want more ‘pretty’ races. We got blood elves over 10 years ago, and it’s no coincidence that TBC was the expansion that made WoW blow up. Since then? Nothing. Other than alliance got blood elves with purple and blue skin as an allied race.

Meanwhile, soooo many ugly races have been added. Pandas, worgen, goblins, then Allied races with only ONE out of 8 being pretty, and again it was just a copy/paste of the blood elves. Nightborne could have had some customization options to make them look pretty if they wanted, but no, only weird old looking faces, and super limited customization options. Undead females could look pretty, but all hair options are hideous, and shoulder armor scales to be gigantic, and they have curved spines that stick out even through a cloak.

I guess what I’m saying is that more than allied races we need more customization options for the races we already have. Like why doesn’t unlocking Zandalari give me new hair and tattoo options for all my horde characters in the barber shop?

I’m not saying don’t add ugly races, I’m saying when you add an ugly race please add a pretty one, too.

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As an addendum to this:

If you add a “pretty” race make sure it isn’t just the females of that race that are pretty. Males of every race except Blood/Void Elves don’t have to all be steroid pumping, musclebound, neanderthals. Lithe and agile “swashbuckler” male archetypes can also be masculine and attractive.


After playing them, I actually like the KT humans better than the Zandalari. They’re much cooler. Unfortunately, however, both those races only have male options :stuck_out_tongue:

I really don’t like the females of either race.

This is hyperbolic. Most male avatars are pretty lithe. Gnomes, all Trolls, and all Elves are definitely not “steroid infused”. Pandaren are pretty chunky.

The only ones that qualify are Humans, Orcs, Dwarfs, and Tauren.

Dwarfs are always stocky.
Orcs are supposed to be monstrous musclebound creatures.
Tauren are literally bulls.

That only leaves Humans, and they went for the aesthetic look of a fit jock for them. Kul Tirans are also pretty fit but also have a high body fat %… And these people exist. Not every male has to be a skinny twink like elves.


Exactly! I can’t believe the amount of people getting so uppity about fat characters it almost reminds me of when Pandarens came out. People are so judgmental on how the perfect person should be.

I blame Western Society.

Oh you mean in game.

The female one looks like she would do anything for a cheeseburger.


You and I have different definitions of “lithe”. I get that the “animal people” and certain fantasy races like orcs/dwarves/gnomes, have a certain aesthetic in fiction and wow tries to live up to that.

Human males in wow don’t have the look of “fit jocks”, they look like steroid pumping neanderthals and all their face options look 40-50+ years old.

Blood/Void Elves are the only males in the game that hit all the right notes. They have the “fitness model” body type, a variety of faces (several of which are attractive), and they aren’t hunched over. All other males are either overly big (humans/kultirans), have strange body proportions (night elves/draenei), or fall under the animal people (tauren/worgen) or iconic fantasy race category (orcs/dwarves/gnomes)

Kul Tirans were an opportunity to give us a slimmer more attractive human option, but instead Blizzard “super sized” the steroid junkie humans, because we obviously didn’t have enough big bulky males in the game, and decided that beer guts and binge eaters was a good aesthetic. It’s not, in my opinion.

I’ve said it elsewhere but I’d be less critical of Kul Tirans if they at least had the option to use the standard human models (like most Kul Tiran npc’s do). Even steroid junkie standard human males are more palatable than Kul Tiran males.

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Just to upset your delicate sensibilities and ruin Supermodels of Warcraft for you.

Well I always thought the most “out of place” toons in this expac (as in, toons I’d see in pugs and the spec/race combo just looked wrong) were Void Elf holy priests and Lightforged Shadow Priests.

Then I saw a Kultiran female Windwalker monk. I almost choked on my coffee laughing at it LOL.

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Fat humans vs trolls that have one modifications, the males stand straight. Literally almost no different than regular trolls…

If you gave them thinner option they would be just regular humans just little taller which I don’t know if that would qualify Kul’Tirans new race, don’t think so. The allied race hype have been a sham/lies they are all updated/re-skinned models that should of be remakes not new races IMHO the easiest route they could take. As for the way they look one could argue it was another cheap shot by the DEVs to poke at the Alliance players giving them fat ugly models they do it all the time. Got to Love that Alliance player support.

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Go ahead and name a single pretty race that has been added since pandaren. Oh that’s right, there aren’t any. 2008 was the last time a beautiful race got added to the game, and let’s be honest, it was only for females. The animation and stance of male BEs is not attractive. Plus they still have the massive chest and arms.

So yeah, it’s a little upsetting seeing countless ugly races added, including straight up grotesque looking humans (an opinion which I am entitled to), and not One single pretty race. Want fat humans? That’s fine. But please add slender humans too (aka without weird shoulders and necks, and those crazy gorilla arms that the males have).