Why did we expand warlock races before pally races?

There has been one since Wrath actually (Argent Charger). The thing is, the level 10 and level 20 mounts are race based for Paladin. That is part of the flavour of the class. So if Blizzard wants to make a race a paladin, they would need to make two new paladin themed racial mounts for that race.

Right so opening more gameplay options seems like the better decision then. Glad we agree.

Okay, show me that Blizzard has made Paladin mounts for all the races that don’t have access to Paladin. You keep saying the models “already exist”, so it should be easy enough to show me pictures of them all.

Oh, so the models DON’T exist and have to be made. Well you typed something very different at first…

What takes more work: making sixteen Paladin class mounts or enabling the Warlock class for nine races?

What takes more work: an allied race no one asked for or adding assets to already existing mount models?

I don’t know about you… but I was wanting nelf locks for a REALLY long time.
Race changed my original lock to nelf the day it was available.

(Pro tip: don’t speak for the entirety of the community, it never works out)

Considering they made all spell casting baseline across all races, all they had to do was enable the character unlock and a few minor other things.

Paladins have unique casting and assets that aren’t as simple as flipping a switch on say… rogues, locks, mages.

And why is everyone stuck on just the mounts?
There are a lot more assets than just that.
Heck their march interview, they cited animations and art assets in general. They didn’t single out mounts.

Like just think of a vulpera paladin where they copy/pasted animations and such. Things will be clipping. Oversized. Out of orientation. Etc.


What are you babbling about?

But you know they’re not specifically tied to the models that use them, right? They are separate animations. It’s not that ‘astronomically difficult’.


Based on your first reply, I don’t think you are worth debating.

Who honestly asked for renegade Earthen or Trash Gnomes?

Both were on my list for future allied races, but the Northrend versions.

No but locs weren’t not that far behind

We’ll both were a surprise so… :joy:
And diapergnomes were a major let down as we could have had sethrak. (Yes I am still salty)

Unlike people wanting rogue, priests, locks expanding to everything.
I’ve been wanting a spacegoat rogue since I started playing. Same with nelf lock.

Class requests are different than race requests.

My guess: More devs play warlock than pally.

actually almost but not quite, the og team had a mix largely warriors and some pallys.

False equivalency.

No, it isn’t.

It takes more resources to create an entirely new, playable race than simply adding to existing ones.

The reason Ion doesn’t make all classes available is because it’s not an expansion selling point. What is advertising, however, is that you can play rock dwarves alongside the regular dwarves and black dwarves, which affects .05% of actual players.

Yes, conflating a new race with class customizations is indeed a false equivalency.

No, because you’re creating ‘new’ assets for classes of that allied race. Try again.

You can broaden out everything to such an insane degree that it all looks blurry, but that doesn’t make you right.

If pointing out that creating new assets for existing races is quicker than creating new assets for a new race with no existing models is ‘blurring the lines’, you need stronger prescription glasses.

You did none of that. Also, Earthen are using the Dwarf models.

I get your intelligence is your lowest attribute, but can you try not to make it so obvious? Your every reply has been countered into a critical hit, yet like a masochist you keeping coming back for more punishment. For your own good, stay down. Cheers.