Why did we expand warlock races before pally races?

Like, we have literal people made into light that are now using shadow / fel magic… which kind of breaks all the lore, so that’s not a factor.

And we opened up warlock to every race when it’s one of the less played classes?

Pally is literally the most played class, and we can’t open it up to more races… why? Recently Ion went and talked about how more race / class combos isn’t happening, so I just wanna know why.

Not like it’s hard to do.

Edit: Quick mention for all the people talking about the charger: That is not a valid excuse. The charger is, quite literally, the already existing racial mount, just edited to look “paladin” themed. An intern could do it in a day or two, so could some kid on fiverr. That’s not a valid reason.


Because the felsteed and dreadsteed aren’t race specific.


K well, fun thing added in Legion, there’s a generic paladin mount that exists.


This stopped mattering a long time ago.


But the race specific pally mount is still a thing. See the amazing earthen one.

Frankly I’m happy for them to take their time with paladins and have proper lore for each race.


What lore? We have literal eredar using holy magic, and literal light made flesh using fel / shadow magic. Clearly lore doesn’t matter anymore. We also have pandaren, who embody EVERYTHING that warlock is not, now being warlocks.

And you can make new racial mounts later, just release paladins to more races using the Legion mount for now, and gradually add racial mounts.

Not like the racial mounts are hard to do either though, considering they’re, quite literally, just the already existing racial mount model with gold armor on it.


I think it does. So do many others. Including the devs apparently. You can’t just make all these disparate races be basically the same as human paladins. They tried making orc priests basically just human priests and the community rightly said no. And so they were updated.

It seemed like they were lining up the Tyr’s Guard to be the blanket explanation for pallies, but frankly that would be lame. And lazy. So many of the races are like 99% of the way there as far as lore explanations. They just need a little more work. An npc or two and a few lines of dialogue.

I love paladins and am eager for more to level up. But I don’t want just more worshippers of the holy light.


I mean you don’t like the answer but it was given to you already. All of the classes they’re expanding with are rather simple and don’t have much unique about them and arguably don’t have any restrictions with in the world to decline why any one race wouldn’t become curious or delve down the path of.

And to be clear, I’m on the side that would rather keep things a tad more restricted based on what we know of the race’s history/culture but it is a uphill battle that is clear wont really be won. So I just enjoy what I can make out of it while I’m still here.

Paladins, Shamans, Druids all have “Oh yeah that is X class but it is this Race and can tell by said form/mount/totem” Yes, while those classes are not restricted to said unique differences all that much anymore in WoW but blizzard has a way of thinking on how to go about developing/adding in new things. They like to take their time and ensure that someone picking a horde paladin/druid/shaman vs a alliance paladin/druid/shaman can feel the difference at least a little bit.

Lore has gone a bit loopy but the universe started in 1994. 30years of building and building and not able to take anything substantial away is going to cause bloat. It is what it is.


Why did we expand warlock races before pally races?

Because Warlocks are better than Paladins.



You mean the class hall mount?
That’s achievement based.

Did we need ANOTHER one of your posts of you nerd raging about lore not mattering?
How many of these stopped getting bumped? lol.


Well, Activision doesn’t. Otherwise we wouldn’t have panda or lightforged warlocks, we wouldn’t have eredar or void elf holy priests, and etc.

Well, then it’s a good thing WoW paladins work a lot like DnD paladins; they don’t have to be religious! All you need (according to WoW lore) to do to use light magic is have 100% faith in yourself, believe you’re doing the right thing. Kinda like paladin oaths in DnD, y’know?

That’s why Anduin can’t use the light anymore. He lost faith in himself after being mind controlled by Mr. Nipples.

That’s why Uther couldn’t use the light anymore. He lost faith in himself after dying (and then got it back).

Use it for Divine Steed for races that don’t have their own mount.

OP, it’s because Paladins need a racial mount, Blizzard has said in interviews (Ion has) that they plan to open all classes to all races, but that Shaman, Paladin, and Druid will be staggered “for obvious reasons.”


“Obvious reasons”

The model LITERALLY ALREADY EXISTS. The paladin mount is LITERALLY the already existing racial mount, but with “paladin” armor on it.

An intern could do it in less than a day. That is not a valid excuse.

My current issue with warlock is I can’t decide to main it or mage before TWW. My minds tearing apart!!!

But also because class steed things or some other nonsense excuses.
The answer is obviously that locks are cooler than paladins. The human paladin posters here in the forums caused this.

limiting new races from being able to play a class because of wanting them to have a race specific mount is frankly stupid, a bad excuse, and looking at the past they’ve released races that could be paladins before they got their race specific mount.

their being any limits on race/class combos at this point is goofy. Let everyone be everything, all the animations are already set up, it’s mostly making new models/reskinning models for race specific stuff, which can be released over time, the idea that they have to finish making all the new models before letting people play as a certain race/class combo, is goofy when they have functional placeholders.

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There’s some other reason they don’t want to.

Lore =/= Classes.

I don’t know why people keep interpreting this false rule. It’s annoying. There’s nothing hard stopping anyone from becoming a certain class because said classes have no hard-set requirements (except Evoker).

Any race should be any class/job.


because they’d have to make unique paladin mounts for all the races. blizz want to open-up pallies to everyone, but then they gotta make a unique mount for each individual race. same reason we don’t have druids for everybody, unique models for every form, for every race.


I genuinely loath blizzard ruining the lore that wasn’t garbage to fit more class/race combinations.


This has been answered ad nauseam.

The fact you dont like the answer is irrelevant.