Why did we expand warlock races before pally races?

In my opinion, I think they’re most likely walking back on previous statements on wanting to open up all classes for all races. Maybe they might do Paladins for all for Midnight, Paladins for most races for Midnight, or maybe they won’t add any new races for Paladins at all other than Earthen during the Worldsoul Saga.

We literally did see Blizzard remove Death Knight as an option for Earthen, so I think it could really go either way here. I’m leaning towards the idea that it’s possible that we won’t see Paladin added for all races for Midnight.

This isn’t to say that I don’t want Paladin race options expanded on. I just suspect that expansion of race options for classes like Paladins might not happen when people expect it. That’s at least how I interpret Ion Hazzikostas’ most recent statements on the matter, anyway.

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This is what I think too.

Why that might be, I donno.

They probably don’t want to tackle doing Druid forms for each race.

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This is my theory.

They added all the easy races that have little to no unique racial art/animations and left all the hard ones for later. Then they saw how much work doing an additional 10+ races or whatever it is worth of Druid forms would be and said “actually, we super duper care about lore”.

No way you could convince me that Human Druids/Shamans would be a taller ask lore-wise than Draenei Warlocks.


People keep saying “art art art art” – but outside of Druid forms, the art requirement is EXTREMELY small.

Paladin chargers are a mesh edit of the already existing racial mounts.

Shaman totems are static (meaning they don’t move) little things with no animations or anything.

So I don’t get why people act like the “art requirement” is so high. Druids, sure, that’d be a lot of work. DH demon form is based on elves and would need new forms, that one could be hard. Literally anything else? Not really.

TBF I don’t think the art requirement is too high.

I was making the point that paladins mounts are not unique and they’re already existing models with the Light thrown at them waaaaaay before you made this thread.

They can take however long they please, and if they don’t do it I won’t be mad. We don’t need every race being every class.

wait…wut? I thought someone in here literally said they were working on druids for all races or something like that.

To be honest, at this point they just need to open up classes to all races. Lore can be very easily changed as Blizzard has changed the lore many times already. Just put a questline for each class that has your character learning the “religion” or “beliefs” , disown your past beliefs and then swear your allegiance to the new ones and wallah! Lore problem solved.

This is the most recent info we have, as of a month ago.

I don’t agree and never will, the gameplay is great… but the lore that has been changed has been complete and utter garbage, bringing nothing good to the table. If it weren’t for the gameplay, no one would ever play this game.

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Three words: racial Paladin mounts.

Ion’s been wrong about upcoming changes to the game multiple times before, so I’d ignore everything he has to say on the subject.

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Why did they do this? I don’t know, probably to make you mad. :man_shrugging:

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Three words: Already existing models.

Chargers are quite literally a mesh edit of the bog standard racial mounts.

Broken Draenei would like a word with you … :eyes:

Show me a racial Paladin mount for every race that doesn’t have access to Paladin, I’ll wait.

I hate when people use this excuse as if blizz isnt a huge company and adding cosmetics is some kind of impossible task that makes them work for months.

When gw2 gets a new expansion they add new specs to every class and weapons with new animations and tuning everything and its a much smaller game.

Blizz can do it but they just dont want to. The playerbase gives them a pass on adding new class/race combos and updating animations so blizz takes it.

The mount is, quite literally, the already existing racial mount.

So in the case of pandaren, it’s the riding turtles they already have. All you gotta do is edit the armor to be “paladin” themed.

K. Fun thing, the creators decided they wanted to wait till they could do it right

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Why did we expand warlock races before pally races?

Because Warlock rules :metal: and Paladin drools :nerd_face: