Why did we expand warlock races before pally races?

Their source is, and always have been, “Trust me bro, I’m a panda and not a troll.”


The fact we still don’t have Kul tiran paladins is a crime. Apparently the reason is “art assets”. But we get dozens of new mounts in every patch, so adding one more for each race wouldn’t take long.

There were night elf paladin NPCs in legion, but still no nelf paladins either.

There’s also a warrior/priest npc. Do you see any dual class player?

False equivalence. The new mounts are usable by everyone.

Don’t let them hook you. At least Blom can progress a topic. Mahouneko has no clue what they’re talking about and repeats themselves ad nauseum.

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Sunwalkers use Light magic and their deity is one based on the Light.

I actually dont know why Warlock isnt higher. Its considered one of blizzards favorites. One spec is always bonkers. And they have an edge lord aesthetic that a lot of players seem to love. But theyre not in the Top 5 iirc.

Oh trust me i know :joy:

The circular arguments are next level in their posts lol.

Stating that paladin mounts specific to race aren’t a “valid excuse” is feedback for Blizzard. Commenting on how long it takes isn’t going to change the ETA. You’ll just have to be patient instead of bickering at everyone answering your question.

Im so sick of hearing so and so was breaking the lore when they literally explain it.

Activision isn’t the parent company anymore.

You not understanding the lore doesn’t mean Blizzard is disregarding it.


Night elves were the original arcane mages lol

Warlocks were added first because they’re cultural pariahs by default, they’re exempt from the “cultural norm” rule for other classes (except Rogues, who should be and are in the same boat as warlocks).

Paladin, druid, and shaman are all deeply tied to culture and religion, which is why they can’t just be thrown in without proper explanation.

And the people claiming that void elf priests or lightforged warlocks would explode are using a single bit talking about the clash of forces on a cosmic scale from a book that is now shaky canon to justify their dismissal of the story.

I’m of the mind that we’re past the event horizon of stupidity so we might as well push on through to have full consistency.

I genuinely encourage blizzard into opening more race / class combos for more racial combos and just letting people enjoy the game in any manner they want, if you’re able to suspend your disbelief about being a blood elf with a magical hammer and casting holy spells I’m sure you can also suspend that same disbelief for letting vulperas having druid as a class.

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You didn’t specify whether Ion literally talked about this, leaving the reader to question if maybe Ion only figuratively talked about it. Color me confused. /sarc

Think of the three classes that aren’t universal yet.


All three require extra modeling and animation to get working. Paladin mount, shaman totem, and druid forms.

This isn’t as easy of a task as you think it is. It will take time. It may happen during TWW in a mid patch. It may happen in a future expansion. We don’t know. It just isn’t a matter of flicking a switch.

This is also the anwser Blizz has given. Be patient.

Also can’t expect them to settle with a placeholder until those models are ready for release. The playerbase will call them out for being lazy. We notice when something is unpolished. It’s best to wait until it’s ready.


K well fun thing, it wouldn’t be fun to level a paladin and do the class hall only to find out the reward was given to you at level 20 so you wasted your time.

The source is, go ask ANYONE in the animation industry. Hell, even a kid on fiverr could do it in a day for <$100. A mesh edit is literally nothing, it’s an intern’s job. The base model is already there, the textures are already there for the most part. All you gotta do is take some armor pieces and make it look “paladin” themed.

Permanent mount != 3 second mount.

It’s nothing to do with the possibility of those things happening in a fantasy world, it’s the fact that this world HAD A SET OF RULES in the lore that made these things make and not makes sense and I despise the new lore, it’s twists all of the lore around and the world building dies for me… I’m no longer playing WOW, I’m playing some awful DM’s new story he’s so proud of.

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to be honest with you changing up the story to allow for a more diverse gameplay is a much better decision. I value the gameplay and letting people enjoy things more than a story, sorry.