Why did we expand warlock races before pally races?

Pretty sure this applies only on a cosmological scale and not a literal one.

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Nah light and shadow used to coexist in a vast plain of nothingness, though for some unknown reason they did cause a big bang of sorts, and the rest of reality was made.

They made that clear when Turalyon(lightforged) and Alleria(void elf) could not even touch each other

but that bit of lore already went to the toilet anyway and it will be retconed or they will just say 'nah guys this is a different gobbledegook"

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Folks have been talking about this for years and the general explanation we have is basically twofold:

  1. In-universe there’s basically no void elf holy priests, only Discipline and Shadow(/Void) Priests.
  2. The Void is a force that requires one to supress it, or else one goes mad. If a Void Elf were to fully supress it, merely temporarily, it would be plausible for them to use The Light but likely at great physical and mental strain on themselves.

The stuff you are talking about in regards to Lightforged Draenei is not a problem however. They were infused by the light yes but it isn’t as fully encompassing as the like of for an example a Void Elf. It hurts because Lightforged creatures are still infused with the light, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t impossible to make use of opposing forces.

Again though, you are blatantly ignoring the lore and in-universe explanations in order to make the claims you are making so… why are you still here, purposefully choosing ignorance?

Which was explained as it being painful and due to their particular beliefs in both the Void and the Light, especially after Alleria expanded her understanding of the Void to be more than just Xe’ra’s Naaru-perspective and fanaticism, to be fully contrary to each other.

Welcome to creative writing 1-0-1; unless something is explicitly stated, it can be expanded upon. As long as it still conforms to the previous writing and doesn’t contradict it, because at that point you have a retcon and one have to decide on what is real and what isn’t.

Void and Light can coexist in a place, but not simultaneously. They can be next to one and another but not merge. Pay attention to what the Locus-Walker actually mentions in this regard and he talks about it in this fashion; a balanced understanding means that one can walk on the line in-between, making use of the void without falling for it (since his main perspective is that of the Void, but his teachings apply to The Light as well, as demonstrated by the multitudes of in-universe characters that have always been able to make use of it despite the many and popular basic misconceptions players have about it).

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Because it would have required them to design a unique horse for everyone.

That’s pretty much it.

Lorewise being a paladin requires a certain amount of faith unless you’re a blood elf, thanks to the sunwell.

Meanwhile warlocks require nothing but a desire for power beyond your means, and are usually cultural outliers.

All they gotta do is design armor for said horses – and even then it’s just a mesh edit, not designing entirely new armor models. Every paladin mount is just the bog standard racial mount, but with “paladin” themed armor on it.

An intern could do a mount per day or two.

just because they can do it, doesn’t mean they will do it

they can just add some skin colors for customizations, they don’t even need to create anything, just enable the options already in the game for us to use

Yet, they don’t do it

Easy because Blizzard wanted to do Warlocks for all and they don’t want to do Paladins for all, plus Warlocks are better than Paladins and they key people including Ion were on board with Warlocks for all but not Paladins for all.


Does anyone else notice all “lore” arguments against specific race class combos centers around low key racism?

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Because there aren’t race specific spells for warlocks. Every time they add a race to paladin they need to create new charger mounts and animations which requires dev time. It’s all about costs. It has nothing to do with lore.

They are. But here’s the thing, WoW has always had low key elements of racism part of the base lore. There are actual differences between races and that’s why there are differences.

With time those differences have both mattered and been emphasized less so… whilst they aren’t on a “human paladin RP:ing on the forums”-level, there are actual reasons for there to have been lesser extents of racism in WoW.

I need to emphasize this though: racism ain’t a good thing, but when we are talking about fantasy where you have races that have can live for tens of thousands of years there are more than just cultural racism, which is the offensive type of racism (see things like ‘Greenskin’ and ‘Pinkskin’ as examples of that, as compared to Night Elves having an intrinsic connection to the Emerald Dream or Lightforged/Void Elves being literally infused with said cosmic forces). Actual differences between races are a thing though in most fantasy worlds, WoW included.

Point is though that they are opening up classes to more and more races, but there has to be an actual reasoning given for in-universe we get access to playable classes. So it is just taking some time to effectively “unlock” these things.

Bruh, night elves can be arcane mages. At this point, lore doesn’t make sense and preventing certain races from classes is just dumb

You keep saying this, or variants of it. Source?

Blizzard has no immediate plans for any more race/class combos except for Dracthyr.
This was from an interview released a month ago on June 7th.

Beyond that, the last few classes we haven’t really gone broad with, there are some thematic and narrative challenges with. There are some races, for example, it’s very hard to imagine being druids. I don’t know what a goblin druid or mechagnome druid would look like in Azeroth culturally, in terms of their traditional background and what the Druids of the Grove and Cenarion circle typically value and welcome in. I would never say never, but I don’t think we have any immediate plans for further expansion like we’ve seen over the course of Dragonflight, beyond drachtyr.


Theres considerably more work involved in designing the mounts for each additional race.

Arcane nelves have nothing on lightforged warlocks.

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They were easier. Paladins have a race specific mount

Eh I’d accept kul tiran pallys tbh but for the most part I think the limitations should be more strict. No priest/holy priest void elf, no goblin/ vulpera/gnome hunters. No tauren warlocks or rogues. No mechagnome monks.

I don’t care if they exist in lore, not enough of them do to warrant them being playable.

I don’t care if people want them, well I kinda a do cause I wish they didn’t. Anyways just no.

dont worry about it, theres a Velf paladin in the harbinger questline we’ll be getting them eventually

Simple they did Warlocks for all before Paladins because they could.

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