Why did people look happier in the 50s and 90s?

i was born in 2003 and my grandparents were born in 1925 - 1930.

If you say so. I quite like Texas. The heat i could do without though.

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No we are talking about bands

Holy moly I moved to SA 4 years ago from Iowa aka H.E.L.L

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so cesspool as you said you grew up to 2 of them

I see this type of talk a lot when it comes to having kids.

When has it ever been a good time to bring kids into this world? Before this generation we had constant war in the middle east. Before that WW2. Before that WW1. And so on.

Curious what makes THIS generation the worst

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System of a Down put’s on a good show. But have you experienced a Gwar show?


No California is definitely a cesspool but I dont think that about texas.


No but I always hear good things.

you have kids? o m g plz dont

No but I did experience a W.A.S.P. concert with the meat grinder


then you are lost cuz they both are

When did i say i have kids?

i was asking plz dont

You have no control over anybody


That’s a nice opinion. I dont feel lost right now. I feel fine talking about music.


i know but plz dont have any

im only 19, i’ll have kids by that time you’ll be long gone :slight_smile:

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nah im 5 so dont plz

OMG, W.A.S.P shows are always fun. I was at the show when Blackie’s pyrotechnics blew up in his crotch and lifted him in the air.