Why did people look happier in the 50s and 90s?

you have nice opinions too but soad sucks cuz they never went anywhere with it


The internet was either non existant or still in itā€™s infant stages, social media didnā€™t exist, and smart phones didnā€™t existā€¦and music was a hell of a lot betterā€¦


Oh man that sucks but I canā€™t help chuckling lol

You have to remember, the 50s were coming out of a war that literally changed the entire planet forever. The West and the Soviets had just defeated (National Socialist, apparently you canā€™t say their name anymore on the forums, itā€™s been awhile.) Germany, and America engaged in Operation Paperclip to bring over every genius in the (Nationalist Socialist) regime to America to bring a renaissance of technological advancement.

The 60s were living off the realization of that technological advancement. Things were advancing rapidly in every aspect of life, war with the greatest evil their generation had ever known was over and we won. There was nothing but hope and a brighter future for them.

Addon: Iā€™ve been gone for a year but came back for dragons and Microsoft, wtf happened? They now have a blacklist of words you canā€™t post? Iā€™m trying to talk about History and being censored. O.o


so did yours but plz back to the topic at hand dont have any

Heck yea. Iā€™m going when they come to SA in Nov. Nostalgia and all

itā€™s like the existential dread of facebook is worse than the actual risk of world endingā€¦

the music also helps.

Thatā€™s nice. I still like em. To each thier own. Iā€™ll show em to any kids I hopefully have in the future.

and let them know they did it for the money

you are really obsessed with not wanting kids

as you too say the same thing

Most bands do. Sure alot do it because they genuinely love music but money will always be a priority and thatā€™s fine. They work hard on those songs and so deserve the reward in money.

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iā€™ll get back to you in 5 years or so when your on life support and write a tribute post about you

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so? oh noes they did something they liked and made moneyā€¦call someone

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Good song.

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lol nice one more opinions as you say lol no @#$$

Iā€™ll be honest. First time I heard spinal tap I was watching supernatural lol. An episode had it playing in the background.

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So whatā€™s your point? You just here to be rude to people for no reason or something?

when you say the things you guys say? yeah stop acting like you are saying anything at all