Why did people look happier in the 50s and 90s?

Oh I eventually found some good stuff. Avenged sevenfold, trivium. Things like that.


I know I am weird and I play it well. :slight_smile:

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Everyone also forgets the police brutality that led to the LA riots, columbine, oklahoma city bombing and all the other ****ed up stuff that happened in the 90’s because they were kids then

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when you’re in a hole, quit digging. your ignorance is disgusting

You do wear weird well. :+1:

WoW mods this isnt WoW

Who’s talking to you?

I’ve come across some good bands by accident. Watching a video on Youtube and something new pops up.

Found a band on youtube called Sabaton. Interesting music.


white powder and el es dee in the water

This is how every song of theirs goes…

Starts off with slow music and singing and then goes crazy and there’ll be that guy that comes in with a real angry voice singing. Every time. :laughing:

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Most of the mainstream stuff was garbage, I grew up in Houston, I saw many great punk and metal bands in the club scene.


You should listen to Wind Rose, bunch of guys that think they are LotR dwarves

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what the hell you people on about at allll

Grew up in San Antonio after I moved from the cesspool that is California. Saw system of a down live back in 05 to 06.


semblant…really different when you first hear them but I like it. But my music tastes run from Bach to Slayer :slight_smile:

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what is this even about? a joke

True. I mostly listened to older bands growing up. Found evanescence before i found other stuff lol

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from one to another