i was watching this video
And people in 2010 look depressed. quite sad really
Well right now we have nothing to hope for
The economy is killing us
World War 3 is around the corner
Random wars for no reason
People die because they have no money
Covid just locked us away for 2 years and killed millions of people
Why should anyone be happy?
Economy and the effect of being raised by the “happy” older generation.
Thanks to “those” happy people, it’s crashing around our ears. Our current way of life is imploding. Look at who are in power right now…
The 90’s had street sharks and pogs.
Or gems like whats going on in texas
“Hey lets be pro life. By possibly killing people if they get an abortion”
That’s seriously something they’re considering.
Boomers are just trying one last hurrah to mess with us until their time is over
My views on this issue are far from set in stone
I dont know how to feel
But I will never understand the logic of “there is a 5% chance mother and baby live”
“F it lets give it a shot”
You chose mother
Remember that poor mother that had a miscarriage? They tried to convict her of 1st degree murder. The world is going to hell in a handbasket and there isn’t anything we can do about it.
The fact they want people to be forced to have babies in this crappy economy with very little paid maternity leave is disgusting. Meh that’s all I’ll talk about for now.
That’d be terrifying considering my mom had a few of those before she had me. ( My dad was. Not kind before they divorced so you can guess where the miscarriages came from )
There is adoption and stuff tbf so people don’t have to keep the child
I’m very torn on this issue as on the one hand it’s baby murder. (Being hyperbolic)
On the other hand people don’t want kids. Over population. Personal choice.
I dunno.
Its a mess to me
I think it’s because of technology always giving us dopamine hits to the point of whenever they’re not on them they’re depressed.
Me and my husband are currently trying to adopt
Wish us luck
I joined Child Free Movement years ago.
well, i can tell you that as a kid in the 90s, we thought we were the kids from the 80s. but with more cartoons. plus, we had the people of our time nailed-down: you were either a punk, or a suit. atleast, that’s how i saw it back in those days…
I’m quite happy! I have fewer responsibilities than last year, I’ve been learning some of the craziest stuff I’ve ever seen, for free, and actually using it to do stuff I’ve always wanted to do. Thanks to God, my family is healthy. I have clean water, delicious bread, and unlimited entertainment. I’m grateful and I hope anyone reading this has something to be happy about too!
gotta love how this post, which is nothing to do with WoW is fine, but my posts, are targeted by organized report trolls as “spam”.
WoW forums in 2022 everyone.
It’s easy when you have adorable nieces and nephews~~