Threads like this make me sad. Why the hell we players try to make the story make sense? Blizz putting important info only in the book is one thing, but Blizz presenting new cinematics with zero explanation whatsoever is another.
It has been like this since BfA, for over three years. They wasn’t even able to close the very first incident that happened during BfA.
Blizz currently have no idea what to do with Elune. They just wanted to stop Tyrande’s vengeance and save Sylvanas, Elune was just the only one thing that could stop her without any fuss. I don’t think Blizz will give any further information about it later, they will just ignore it like they did with the Big Sword and Teldrassil.
There is absolutely no hint or sign that Elune stopped Tyrande because she wanted to save her or had further plans for her, but still people try to bring it up and want to believe it.
And it will be canon in people’s mind after Blizz ignore it or conveniently forget to address.
I mean she literally smokes out there just a few seconds later when Ysera shows up.
This means she was never in any kind of danger and just toyed with Tyrande. She couldve left her choke any time she wanted but just wanted to let Tyrande feel her powerlessness. Tyrande obviously didnt pose a thread to her and only when Ysera came, she didnt want to have a dragon land on top of her.
Think about the power level of the night warrior what you want, but this is what we have to take away from the cinematic.
One punch man plot armor. Seriously wow has had so many chances to make a great story and yet they continually have decided on mediocre or just completely forgetting about important details entirely.
The company hasn’t evolved in its innovation besides the art department, and at this point, they are falling behind. Poor company management due to corporate shills trying to turn a work of art into a mathematical equation.
I mean it also powered her up in the maw and she was also juiced for the first part of the fight in Ardenweald. If it would be just a connection problem, why exactly now?
Also to the: “Elune didnt wanna sacrifice Tyrande”:
Tyrande was pretty direct with the “My life for hers” and she did get a power boost for that, so Elune is finewith it. Why the change of heart just a few seconds later?
But we all know the answer is just: Because it looks cool…