So am I mistaken that it wasn’t like the elune powers ran out. Like cool downs lol. Elune literally stopped tyrande from being able to kill Sylvanas ? Why?
Blizz is trying their hand at writing comedy.
Its not working.
Elune did not want to sacrifice Tyrande to kill Sylvanus.
Oh thats a good observation
Because blizz LOVES Sylvannas and won’t let her die…ever. Even after 9.1 she will continue to have a future in wow as Ion hinted
Perhaps interference from Anduin affecting the Heart of Ardenweald?
If you read Before the Storm (I think that was the one), there is a passage about how Elune was kept from coming to the NEs aid until the very end. So maybe that same “force” blocked her power from Tyrande at that moment so Sylvanas would survive.
I am thinking said “force” is called plot armor but hey, maybe the writers have a card up their sleeves they have not played just yet.
Either 1) Elune has her own plans that somehow involve Sylvanas. 2) her powers have limits 3) she didnt want Tyrande to die.
At this point I kinda want a short story someday added where Elune did allow Tyrande to kill Sylvanas and see what the consequences would be just to shut people up.
I’m genuinely curious where they go with the story. I’m not like loving it but I really don’t mind it.
If you kill undead sylvannas in the maw does that mean she’ll come back to life? Like, alive alive? She was a heroic high elf in life, and the forums love them some high elves. Forsaken would feel, well, forsaken though. Nothing would surprise me coming from her at this point, so one can only wonder.
Listen to what Tyrande prayed to Elune, " My life for hers " . Elune has plans for Tyrande so did not power her up to the point of killing Sylvanas.
elune denied tyrande a warrior’s death
Because Blizz wants to keep dragging this thing out, which is their prerogative. I’ll just continue to ignore the main story for the time being.
Because Elune will be a raid boss in the Light vs Void expansion that is inevitably happening.
I know this is the “”“reason”“” but why would Elune give her the power to fly and catch Sylvanas just to take it away then? It makes no sense.
It is dumb but was just for dbz levels of fighting I guess xD
Tyrande was overstepping her class origins. She’s a priestess. She should have a priest’s death:
Getting charged, hamstrung, mortal strike thrown on you, your heal interrupted by pummel, your psychic scream negated by berserker rage and your other CC talent option broken by a trinket, followed by your death.
That’s the death of a true priest.
I have a feeling that Elune is really the one behind all this chaos.
We’re going to find out that Elune and the Jailer are having an affair. They’re a power couple, very Game of Thrones, like Cersei and Jaime Lannister. It’ll be a big scandal.
Because the script said so.
And the script was written by bad writers.