Why did elune not let tyrande kill Sylvanas?

You have one character is who absolutely bloodlusted and another character who is smerking, holding back, and Dodging the whole fight. Its simple you do the math.

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Always. You want examples?:

  • vs genn in legion
  • vs anduin’s party in the siege of lordaeron
  • vs saurfang
    All of those were encounters that she didn’t need to provoke anyone because she was confident of her victory. However, even when she didn’t need to, she constantly provoked them. That’s just how she is.
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Sure, hun. If that let’s you sleep

Sylvanas never attempted to provoke any of them, in fact most of those character where trying to provoke Sylvanas herself. Infact even Tryande was trying to provoke Sylvanas. Nothing you have said means anything so far. You’re just babbling nonsense at this point cuz you think getting the last word means you were right.

I suggest you rewatch those fights, then. Bye

nah you re-watch them bye

Sylvanas is empowered by the full might of an entire slice of the Celestial alignment chart, probably the strongest one in all of Warcraft. while Tyrande is empowered by a moon.

If that was the case she would not have given her the night war powers to begin with

it’s an auto death

this does not make sense at all

… reminds me of the movie called The Room at this point XD

I am convinced that either Elune didn’t want to kill Tyrande or Elune decided that it was not for Tyrande to kill Sylvanas.

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Sylvanas has had the thickest plot armor for years now.

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Because Elune simps for Mommy Sylvanas.

Because bad writing.

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should be asking why tyrande is choking sylvanas and sylvanas is acting like she needs air…


also bad writing.

Tyrande couldn’t take out Sylvanis for two reasons, 1: it’s written into the code of the game that she and the nelfs will not actually accomplish anything and 2: Sylvanis’ plot armor is already rank 6 with full domination sockets


Option C: Elune wants to kill her herself…

At least she stopped blowing up my mailbox… looks at mail box stuffed full of hundreds of unread letters from Elune

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If you watch the video closely, you can see fear on her face while she was being “choked”. Probably not because she couldn’t breath but the fear that Tryande was going to break her neck. Sure the Forsaken can replace damaged or lost limbs but you can’t replace a broken spinal cord.

She was talking about the bargain between Tyrande and Elune to become the Night Warrior.

Massively utterly disappointed with the truly utterly awful cinematic of Tyrande and Sylvanas.

  • Trying to choke an undead
  • Elune abandoning Tyrande
  • Plot armor (did not know what it meant and had to google it)
  • Ysera just roaring instead of biting head off…oh wait Sylvanas can always magically turn into mist so WTF do we have a choke in the first place
  • Sylvanas just again turns to mist and escapes as if this had been written by a 14 year old who fancies himself/herself into an actual writter.

FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD BRING BACK METZEN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. This is awful just awful and I am far from a lore person…this just made me cringe and made me wonder if Blizzard thinks I am 12 and that from now on this story is for children? Stop this please


She literally can turn to mist anytime she wants…makes utterly no sense whatsoever unless this is targeted at people who have never played wow and know nothing about Sylvanas

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I think people are making more out of that then it actually is. If she could do it at will, she wouldn’t need to block an attack. She could just turn to mist and let it pass thru her…