Why did elune not let tyrande kill Sylvanas?

Exactly. It’s even a passive racial that undead don’t have to breathe. Elune was probably so embarrassed that she left and said “finish it on your own.”


Sylvanas said that Elune had made a bargain? curious with who and what that bargain was.

what the 3 arrows she shot at her feet while attempting to fly away

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Her power ran out because Nathanos killed Elune.

Sylvanas said she was disappointed. That coupled with the feint means she wasn’t serious. Would have been funny if she died holding back because she underestimated Tyrande.

“death is da enemy, tyrande. you gotta moonlight her” -elune

You mean how Cairne was killed outside of game with no real explanation in game where he went? Or the entire events between MoP and WoD?

Why would they have Tyrande kill Sylvanas on the opening day of the patch when Sylvanas is the final boss of this tiers raid ?

What should of they have done made the Jailer the final raid boss of this tier and really made this another cut content WoD expansion ?

She flew away because 1) she knew she had nothing to do against tyrande and 2) because she wasn’t there to fight, she was just a distraction for anduin to steal the sigil and would have gained nothing by fighting.

The arrows weren’t targeted “at her feet”, they were clearly targeted at tyrande with the intent of killing her. Otherwise, why would tyrande have dodged them? If those arrows were targeted at her feet, tyrande wouldn’t have had any need of dodging them.

Tyrande pulled a Thrall move by throwing her weapons away.

As a former adventurer I can assure you that taking an arrow to a lower extremity is not fun.


If Syvlanas wanted to kill her the fight would have lasted like 3 seconds and she would have just blasted her hadouken like when she killed Saurfang. Literally watch the video again she was smerking and obviously toying with her the whole time. Tyrande was severly outclassed, like a lvl 10 fighting a max level character. Sylvanas let her live and didnt want to kill her.

No, that was just sylvanas trying to taunt and provoke tyrande. Come on, we all know sylvanas and we all know how she acts. She constantly tries to provoke her rivals to get and opening and attack.

What’s funny is both of them are only that strong because they have backers with the Eternal Ones. I get Zoval has been growing his power base but it’s only been recently. What has Elune been doing these last 10k years?

you are stretching really hard, when has sylvanas ever need to provoke someone to kill them.

Or magni turning to diamond

That is just 100% wrong. I’m sorry I can’t make it clearer because I don’t know how to. Sylvanas always has a smirk on her face, which doesn’t mean anything.

you actually just cant make it clear cuz you are in love with tyrande

I’m not in love with tyrande. By the same thinking, I guess you are I love with sylvanas.
Other than that, I already said why sylvanas was actually against the wall against empowered tyrande. If you just want to close your eyes and deny it, it’s not my issue.

Good bye

Fun was detected.