Now hear me out. They add different levels of difficulty, think like +1 +2 +3 etc. and the higher the difficulty the better the gear you get. Also there’s a timer and we can watch teams race to complete the raids. Wouldn’t that be awesome to watch? Wouldn’t it?!?!
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Ony an rag were regularly cleared by 30ish players in vanilla. The other 10 were backups
why do people expect that 1.1 would have been any different?
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Bad Servers/Server queues. Easy Raids. Long leveling experience. Yup thats classic. All we needed was whiny players on game forums. Ding ding ding. Classic wow here!
Serious man here.
The 1st guild i was i that took down Rag/Ony had maybe 20 people carrying the rest. It showed when we got to bwl. Ended up with ~ 20 of us doing a joint monday bwl with our peers from another guild ( we we the #2 and #3 horde guilda t the time. The #1 guild was the only guild killing nef). 1 shot everything before nef, did nef in 3 attempts. Formed a new guild right then.
Same thing happened in aq. We combined with the #1 guild, only horde guild on server to get cthun, that group stayed together through KT.
Why did they go with 1.12? They said it themselves, it’s the most “complete” game version. It has the entire database. They weren’t exactly secretive about not wanting to develop Classic as a proper MMO alongside retail. I think restoring older content only to have to do all that work again creating patches to roll out on top of it later was more work than they wanted to put into it.
I really hope Classic’s success justifies some money in the budget to tinker and re-tune the content phases to better match their original patch counterparts.
Btw anyone thinking wow classic was hard…
No… it wasnt, here’s a video of a 4 man group BEATING onyxia, in 2006!
The hard thing in classic was “Logistic”
the game is piss easy with today’s base player knowhow and discord channel, with today’s latency.
Back then the hard part wasn’t killing the boss in Molten Core, but having 40 players that has a good enough latency (for non US players), creating a system to distribute the loot, EPGP, DKP, making them stay long enough for weeks without gear for some. That’s the hard part of classic.
Go to MC, and the original mechanic was piss poor “Spread when Geddon AoE, Dps when he isn’t, rinses repeat”
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I can read thanks. 1.12 is the version we’re getting. MC is cake in this version. That’s how it’s going to be.
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There’s really two schools of thought here:
School 1: no-changes. Keep all boss mechanics, damage and health exactly as they were in Vanilla. Ideally, replicate the entire 26-patch progression from Vanilla too, but Blizzard ruled that out as impractical. Advantages:
- You’re seeing the game more like what it was back in Vanilla.
- Easier to make an accurate replica since uses actual values from Vanilla.
- If goal is to create a museum to show players today where the game was 15 years ago, this may be a more accurate representation.
School 2: Re-balance raids. Goal is to keep pace of progression similar to what it was during Vanilla. This means raids should require gear and bosses may require wipes. Advantages:
- Even though the numbers may be different the actual experience might feel more authentic.
- More rewarding gameplay with greater sense of accomplishment.
- Probably a healthier game in the long-run as it would prevent players from burning through the content too fast.
- May be hard to balance properly since all changes would be new, not seen in Vanilla.
There are valid arguments both directions. However, personally, I think the EXPERIENCE of raiding in Vanilla was what made raiding so fun back then. And key to the experience is challenging encounters, a good pace of progression, and a sense of accomplishment.
It sounds like Classic as-is unfortunately does not deliver this experience to today’s experienced players. As such, I am in favor of Blizzard doing some rebalancing of raid difficulty.
First of all, the players who did this are extremely talented and know the boss fights better than anyone else in the world.
Brazil is one of those countries that leaks stuff a lot though . . .
I would place good money that non-60s, who were good players, could clear MC if they had the know-how people do now. Don’t forget that pre-1.12 people were doing things like 20 man MC runs, 40 priest Onyxia, etc.
Dont be too surprised when BWL, AQ40, and Naxx all fall within 24 hours of being able to zone in.
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The private server guilds.
BWL will fall on day 1, to a group with near full mc/ony gear, since they know the strategies for it.
For historical reference, BWL was released on July 12 2005
Razorgore and vael died on July 12 2005 by Accent, Fury logged the first Chromaggus kill on the 13th.
Nef was the only one that survived more than 36 hours as it took time to learn the fight.
AQ 40
Fury got though Huhu on their first week their gates were open,
Twin emps made it another week
C’thun died to literally everyone the day he was patched.
For Naxx
Released June 20 2006,
Only Heigen (dance dance) loathab, 4h, Sapp, and KT survived June, with 8 of the bosses dying on the 1st reset.
4H was far and away the biggest road block because figuring out the fight (and then gearing 8 tanks) took a while.
Sapp lasted 1 week after 4H went down, KT a week after that.
Naxx was interesting in that we saw 7 different guilds claiming world 1st across the 15 encounters. Some beating out 2nd place by minutes.
I’d say Sapp is probably going to be the 1st stumbling block for top flight guilds, just do to the FrR requirements
Thanks, this is really funny to look back on. People have mythologized the crap out of vanilla raiding. It was great fun, it was challenging to normies, but it does not hold up to modern standards, especially in the absence of the technical and technological limitations most of us had back then.
People were clearing MC back in Vanilla before they hit 60. It’s not the hardest raid ever done. It’s basically just LFR difficulty.
MC was already easy back in Vanilla. Their were many groups who went in and cleared it before a larger portion of them were 60. The level to be able to enter MC was 55.
Ideally the only class you need to be 60 while in MC is the hunter so they can get Tranq shot.
There was plenty of demand for an earlier patch months ago. People did prefer something to nothing, though, giving Blizz the freedom to use their most convenient patch.