Why did Blizzard nerf alliance premades?

No, removing the match numbers was to stop premade formation which was clearly not intended in AV in Vanilla. Blizzard decided to keep that approach. That’s not a “horde complained” thing.

Agree completely and the map should be fixed. There is a different thread for that. Feel free to discuss it there.

They aren’t monumental.

Mmmmkay. That’s a pretty comical list you have there. Let’s add another. BGs dropping 2 months early because Alliance were getting bulldozed in world pvp.

“bulldozed” = outnumbered, 2 to 1, as soon as bgs came, horde got camped in their gy 40 vs 40 and blizzard threatened the alliance doing it with a ban, any horde got banned for sitting in brm ? don’t think so


But it was a result of horde complaining about premades and a change that was extremely beneficial to horde while also being extremely detrimental to alliance. And it was a mechanic that was working exactly as it did in vanilla.

Matches starting short was a legitimate bug.


Funny how a 2-1 advantage is seen as “unacceptable,” but Horde getting GY camped due to Alliance forming premades is perfectly fine.

First of all, my first 60 was a dwarf warrior. Dwarf. That’s alliance. Second, I hate to break it to you but yes… the premades queue flushing were absolutely breaking the game for their fellow alliance.

Finally, you keep saying that this benefited horde as if Blizzard did something to shift the balance in their favor. That is a gross misrepresentation of reality. Horde now have astronomical win rates in the North America region. This is not a Blizzard hand out for their pet horde, this is because the honor per hour in AV was determined to be not worth it by the vast majority of serious alliance pvp rankers.

As a consequence the alliance side of AV is largely filled with fresh 60’s (or sub 60’s for that matter) trying to grind out reputation for an item or two. They are grossly outgeared by horde not to mention experience because horde rankers still play AV.

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And you have a blue quote to back this up yes? No? Get outta here with your tinfoil hat trash argument.

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well, that’s actually the opposite of what happened, 2-1 was deemed acceptable (no one vs ever threatened with a ban from blizzard for world pvp) but horde getting camped due to alliance forming premades was precisely not fine, as they immediately took steps to prevent it and told the people participating in it that action would be taken against their accounts if they continued


Yeah, so acceptable that Blizzard rushed out the BGs to keep the poor wittle awiance getting slaughtered happy. Come off it. Blizzard made the decisions it made in an effort to maintain a stable player base. Sometimes that has benefited Horde. Sometimes it has benefited Alliance. Most times it has benefited players at the expense of bots or has negatively impacted the players using exploits to gain an unintended advantage.
Seriously. Take off the tin foil hat.

I mean you can still do your 2v1 pvp if you want to, it was never deemed unacceptable, its still happening today right? The horde could always leave the bg or not queue for it to begin with, what are alliance suppose to do, not go into the world at all? I think the game would be rather significantly less impacted by a 1 AV in all the lists of avs being camped by an alliance premade than every pvp server in existence being north of 60/40 horde favored

Camping gys became griefing as soon as the horde had it happen to them


There are different responses for different behaviors. One was brought about by a difference in player base. The other was brought about by an exploit in the queuing system. Neither response is an example of bias toward one faction or another. The responses are clearly tempered to match the situation they are intended to address.

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its not an exploit in the queueing system, it works exactly how it worked in vanilla and we’ve time and time and time and time again seen blizzard tell us that something worked that way on the vanilla client so it is going to remain that way (heroic strike queues, diamond flask etc) but this was an exception, which is my point


I can’t believe that they are in denial of this

I forgot the high horse the aly premade used to ride.


“Thats how it was in Vanilla”

Oh yeah I forgot all those cross realm premades when AV dropped.

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It was literally an exploit of the queuing system. Just because it wasn’t well known in vanilla doesn’t make it less of an exploit. They have fixed other exploitative behaviors as well. Examples include, but are not limited to, the back door to the Alliance base being accessible, a couple of items were changed that had the same mechanics as diamond flask so they could no longer perform that function, Landslide was changed so that you can no longer get unlimited elemental earths via exploit. I can go on. Just because you choose to fixate on a few changes / situations you find “biased” does not make them biased. It, in fact, shows just how tunnel visioned you are.

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Guys if you just ignore Misadventure and Fayld, you’ll have a much more constructive and overall enjoyable conversation.


There is no demonstrable faction imbalance across the entire server pool as a whole, which the current system of queueing pulls from. Just less of a desire to pvp by one faction.

Separate the pvp queue from the pve queue and you’d get educated.

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Spoken like someone who only wants to argue in an echo chamber.


guys guys the alliance are exploiting the queueing system!

Oh really how? what are they doing? did they find a way to glitch a party into the av? no? oh…what is it then? They deep breaths press the queue button at the same time, very very high level exploitative gameplay


Better than a couple of morons throwing crap around.

Alliance on even faction pvp servers were melting down. Alliance by and large simply do not want to pvp.

Prime example:

From an alliance leaning server.

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