Why did Blizzard nerf alliance premades?

Losing 99% is squarely a player problem, not a blizzard favoritism issue.

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Aside from the AV change the other two changes benefited both factions, were happening to both factions, and subsequently being complained about by both factions.

I’m not denying that blizzard clearly has a soft spot for the horde but if you’re going to make claims that they only do changes to benefit horde you’re going to need stronger evidence.

Camping an instance entrance is pvp happening on a pvp server, camping a res cave in a bg is pvp in a pvp battleground, that you can willingly leave (while dead) and join a new one, but one is bannable and one is not, infact camping the gy is routinely done in ab and wsg also by both factions. Extremely curious that the only gy that is not acceptable to camp is the only one that the horde in particular were victims of right? wew

“Not intended” is meaningless, lots of things weren’t intended but haven’t and won’t be fixed.

The only difference in any of these is one side could make a premade and camp the horde gy and they couldn’t do anything about it, so they complained until it was changed.


People were complaining about matches starting short on players, the fix for that was a separate fix from removing match numbers. The complaints about getting kicked are being vastly over blown by horde when in reality it very rarely happened(oh and yeah still happens today even without premades in AV)


Guess what? You don’t get to make that call. The ones providing the game do.

Perhaps, but the question was why they did it not who benefited the most.

It just so happened to benefit the horde so we’re just suppose to accept it then yeah?

Horde need to quit with the narrative that it helps the alliance at all. It’s old and boring


It was far more then a handful. Solo queuing Alliance got put into nothing but 15v40s.

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Sure but the fix for that is separate from removing match numbers, oh and was an actual bug not a working as designed mechanic.

Pick whatever number you want. But our win rate was actually reasonable. It took premades to overcome the monumental advantages

But don’t fix those. Oh hell no, the boys in red don’t want that so ignore it


The problem of games starting short was fixed after implementing the change to the BG’s starting w/ as few as 20 players.

I never said the issue wasn’t made worse by dodging queues - only that the simple setting was the MAIN culprit to crud games.

None of that even matters.

Arguing that the map is at all fair is a complete joke. Alliance have an uphill battle the entire time. Alliance can outplay the entire round and still lose.


You do realize that different fixes can be for different aspects right? Pretty obvious Blizzard didn’t want premades in AV and took steps to remove them. Honestly, I think they should have gone the opposite way and allowed premades on both factions.

So if its a “call” not based off of the reference games “bug or not intended” reasoning, then it is precisely what you said, a judgement call right? So why are we in such a panty twist about the idea of someone’s judgement being bias?


It wasn’t reasonable at all, unless you were able to snipe premades.

This is just silly. Monumental advantages? it is a 40/60 map. That’s not fair, but it isn’t monumental.

Shocker. The side with the monumental advantages doesn’t see them as monumental


40/60 is a pretty big advantage, that’s your 10 man pvp party vs my 15

Your argument shows your bias. Blizzard clearly didn’t want or intend to allow premades. It really is as simple as that.

Technically both sides had the exact same match making mechanics horde just couldn’t do what alliance was doing because of faction imbalance issues.

And yes that’s the point, fixing matches starting short was a legitimate fix to a bug . Removing the match numbers was specifically to address horde complaining.


OK, so if not intended = should be fixed, then all of the not intended stuff should be fixed a year in right? wrong. only certain unintended stuff. Like the horde being thrown off cliffs, or the horde being denied ony buffs, or the horde facing 40 man marshal premades or the horde getting camped in their gy, sure is coincidentally a lot of things piling up, oh well.