Why did blizzard implement warmode and destroy the concept of PvE and PvP servers?

I’ll let you make it, I guess. It might take a little while for you to figure out how the forum works here.

World pvp used to be very popular what are you saying? Maybe it wasn’t for you because you didn’t participate I’m sure based on how against it you are.

This isn’t true. We used to have massive WPvP on ED, WPvP guilds were maxed out guilds. People logged on just for the WPvP. Whole guilds would transfer servers for good WPvP.

Yup that’s the long and short of it.

Is that why Blizzard literally took it away from you pvp server players? Because it was so popular? I mean surely if this massively popular playstyle was so over with the general population Blizzard would encourage it right? Right? Right…???

If it was so popular why was it taken away?

Crying. Players cried about it.

Same reason why other things were taken away that many of us enjoyed, like reforging. Same reason they changed the loot rules. Same reason why pvp templates were taken away. Same reason twinks can’t play with non-twinks again. This list goes on and on and it always comes back to whining.

Clearly more players didn’t want it than did want it.

I don’t remember anyone at all complaining about reforging. That was all Blizzard. If you can show me some players complaints about reforging I’d honestly be interested.

With all the complaining on the forums “bring back personal loot” I have to doubt this one too.

I don’t keep up with pvp at all so no comment here.

It only makes sense that a player who specifically crafted a literally low level GOD character can’t play with normal pvp. This was a good decision.

Most of the time it’s a “good” majority rules decision.

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I won’t dispute many liked reforging, but with hit and expertise it sucked for me. Not being able to equip a shiny new drop because it would drop you below hit cap or would put you so far over expertise cap it was worse until you could see the reforger really took the wind out of gear sails for me. That was definitely more an issue with those stats than reforging, but my brain can’t really separate the two at this point.

I would LOVE for it to come back now, though without those abominations of stat types.

That was some of the important choices we had to make for our characters, that is top notch RPG ideology. But, here we are now.

Sounds like personal loot was trash then.


Except that it wasn’t really an important choice, just a short delay until you walked up to the reforgers and gave him a few gold pieces. It was just a mostly unnecessary step to a vendor after looting anything with or replacing one of those key stats.

They took it away because people who had no business being on a pvp server were crying about dying to other players


Blizzard being the business that they are, it probably came down to money.

They probably had data to suggest higher sub losses on pvp servers… then did some research into friends lists and activity logs of the exiting players and found a correlation.

If it was not something along those lines, it was probably not just about complaining players… somewhere the finances of it had to come into play, and it had to be a big enough loss to justify the cost of creating war mode.

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I personally don’t see a reason why war mode and pvp servers can’t exist together. Just keep war mode in all normal servers so pve players still have that option, and let the seasoned pvp players have their server to thrive in


Possibly? Read the following from your post:

“Forced to”… Maybe other players weren’t actually interested in having to put up with that. There was lots of Southshore/Tarren Mill PvP which I remember back in the day (I was on a PvE server), but not fondly, since I was trying to use the area to quest/level and that was completely disrupted by all the NPCs being constantly dead. Sometimes for several days on end.

This is not to mention the severe annoyance of the stupid PvP thing put onto the Timeless Isle, which only meant when you were trying to do your own thing, there were constantly flagged players trying to be in your way, trying to get tagged by any attack with an AoE component you were using on a mob, and standing on mobs you were trying to loot … the only reason for which was to force (gee, there’s that word again) people trying to do something else to have to PvP instead. Because SOMEONE ELSE wants to and refuses to take “go away” for an answer.

That is why warmode exists. PvPers were jerks. PvEers were ludicrously tired of it. Blizzard solved the problem. PvPers have only themselves to blame for warmode. For those of us tired of being forced to PvP, warmode is the best thing to come along in a long time.

No one wants “the old ways” other than people who want to force others to do something they’re not interested in doing, plus the gankers who love PvP as long as they’re doing nothing but force-jumping non-PvPers (usually due to their incompetence to fight other actual PvPers). If you want world PvP, I suggest you try turning on warmode then everyone in your shard will be other people interested in world PvP. Or at least interested in all the free rewards PvPers shouldn’t be getting simply because they want to PvP.

The solution to your problem is RIGHT THERE. Turn on warmode.

I fully and completely believe this is also the case. People who rolled on PvP servers becoming no longer interested in PvP and unsubbing because they’re not interested in either of the options of (A) pay a fee to move your characters, which includes being unable to play with anyone you previously have known in WoW, or (B) rerolling a new character on a new server, complete with the same being unable to play with anyone you previously knew.

This was one of Blizzard’s stated reasons for making warmode, if I remember correctly. Including making it something which was optional when you felt like participating while also being optional to turn off when you were not interested to participate.


WoW is much, much smaller than it used to be, so maybe they don’t think it would be economical to do it for such a small audience.

Anything can happen though, so who knows.

I started WoW during the original TBC.
My server was PvP with the ratio of 3 to 2 horde favour.
Come Legion, the max level ratio was 20 to 1 horde.
It was PvP in name only and not fun being outnumbered.

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PVP and PVE servers were an imperfect solution, a system to make world pvp work.

And they weren’t good, they were outdated even 20 years ago. Take it from a classic andy like myself. PvP servers are ruined by max level characters griefing. And it’s been that way since 2004. Meanwhile PVE servers have too little world pvp, nobody ever toggled it on like they were meant to.

Heck, classic players to this day still think the server system is suppose to be “never pvp.” or “pvp but with full griefing all the time.”

Warmode is a better way to implement world pvp. It basically just fixes PVE servers by adding a reward to players who toggle themselves flagged for pvp. Which means “PVE” servers actually have pvp like they were always supposed to. which renders PVP servers obsolete, since the only reason it existed was to shore up the weaknesses of PVE servers.

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Exactly right. Blizzard has always, since 2004, wanted world pvp to exist, but not be toxic.

PVP and PVE servers was an attempt at this. It failed. PVP servers had more appeal, because people like pvp. But they were so frustrating they would legit make players quit.

Warmode is better.


Personal loot still exists, just not in raids. Was it very popular? You see a topic about it now and then but still the forums is not a good measure of popular or not.