Why did blizzard implement warmode and destroy the concept of PvE and PvP servers?

Crazy to see how many people will argue against something that would have no impact on their gameplay. In fact, blizzard could open a pvp server, make it hidden except for the people who want to join it, and all these people arguing against it in this thread would literally not even realize anything had happened. Sad to see so many people try to stop something that wouldn’t change their gameplay, but instead purely want to try to stop OTHER people from playing the game how they want to. “You do not have to join this server” but it just flys over their head.

We’re arguing against it because we’ve see this before. PvP servers imploded back then and will implode again. It’s just the nature of PvP.

PvP servers should have never went away. But we are fighting to try and get one back online in retail.

nice necro of a necro, or necro squared


Because the kind of people who unrestricted PVP appeals to are the kind of people who derive enjoyment from the misery of others. Which leads to a problem where, on a long enough timeline, every single open PVP server is dominated by one faction, which kind of defeats the purpose.

When PVP can provide intensely negative interactions with one player having the choice between getting farmed and quitting, that system is bad.

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I mean, the nice part about this necro is you get to see the consistency of my stance even way back then.

But this thread works out like how I’d imagine a PvP server would; you’ve already got a thread but here you are forcing more to spring up.

You are also commenting in every one of these threads

My hope is that if a pvp server ever does make a return, that only people who don’t mind dying in a pvp battle join, and everyone else stays where they already are. If I had it my way there would be a warning saying DONT JOIN THIS PVP SERVER IF YOU ARE GOING TO CRY ABOUT DYING IN WORLD PVP. In all caps

Because this has been something I’ve felt very strongly about, so when it pops up, I tend to comment.

Not sure why they couldn’t have at least just stuck to PVP flags. The sharding seems overboard.

Same. And I will continue to fight for a pvp server

No disagreement here; sharding’s the culprit, not War More for the strange PvP experience. It’s also the culprit for a lot of PvE strangeness as well, so that’s the tech that needs improving. War Mode just needs rewards tweaked to favor PvP instead of PvE and it’ll be golden.

3 1/2 years later from the original post and Blizz’s decision to do this is still a bad decision.

They could do this, but it wouldn’t solve the main reason why PVP servers create awful gameplay experiences for many. You can refer to this response by Shantarin for a great explanation:

The problem isn’t dying in world PVP, it’s that playing the game without a full raid group of people who can stop you from being repeatedly farmed in world PVP can become nigh impossible. Frequent mob and quest hubs become hot spots for squads of the dominant server faction to hang out looking to get their rocks off destroying the solo and small-groups of players just looking to enjoy the game. If it were a situation where once the big group got their kills they moved on with their day, that would be one thing.

But we both know that’s not what happens. The person questing on their own would get ganked by a party of 15 players, then those 15 players would fan out around the body to ensure anywhere they could spawn they would immediately be found and killed again. Short of eating rez sickness to rez at a graveyard away from their body, that player’s play session was basically done on that character unless they collected a large group of players to help them collect their corpse and continue doing whatever they were hoping to do. Having no ability to opt-out of such an experience without paying to server transfer is a terrible gameplay experience.


I really disagree with war mode, and wish it never happened. But I would be willing to compromise and let war mode stay the same as it is in normal servers, if they re opened a pvp server for those who want a more authentic wow experience

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hate warmode, far as I am concerned it destroyed the pvp community, all because of idiots crying that they get killed on a pvp server.


yep, killed my server ED

It is very simple, don’t play on a PVP server.

That’s fine, I’m not opposed to PVP servers coming back for those who want them. It’s just inaccurate to claim the reason they went away is because people would complain about a death every once in a while, which is the post I was responding.

The post you quoted only happened on a few servers. Plus, faction imbalance is just as much an issue for PVE servers as well.

The real reason for warmode was to capitalize on the battle royal craze that has been going on the last few years. It had nothing to do with creating a safe space for players that didn’t want to PVP.

Classic PVP servers are the most popular servers, who would have thunk that. So, this proves you wrong.

Dwelknarr, I’m not trying to be mean here, but reading a lot of your takes the last few months kind of shows me you have an extremely limited and myopic view of the issues this game has and how this has functioned over the years.

Emerald Dream was the most popular PVP realm in the world before Warmode, faction balance was almost 50 50 and the population was huge. Almost one of the biggest servers. All gone now since Warmode was implemented.

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