Why did blizzard implement warmode and destroy the concept of PvE and PvP servers?

A lot of the PvPers in this thread are showing some serious ‘Main Character Syndrome.’

I would like to hear why Warmode is so bad for them. Is it because players can turn it off when they don’t want to participate anymore?

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Ill never understand why people get so upset about a server that they DO NOT have to join. “my friends are on a pvp server”… well they are not anymore, so its not a good reason anymore. a pvp server implemented today would have 0 impact on your gameplay.

And for those who dont even use war mode, why do you care so much? It has nothing to do with you. This post is not even relevant to your character

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Mainly cuz alot of people who where on pvp servers doing quests and stuff and didnt want to pvp keep getting ganked by people who wanted to gank and not pvp against players who want to pvp so now that you have war mode with only people who want to pvp people cry

Who cares about warmode when we have to grind azerite all day just to empower our azerite necklace and gear.

The reason is we’ve done the PvP Server experiment already, found it didn’t work, and we have a far superior option provided they tweak it a bit (PvP-centric rewards instead of bonus XP/Gold, Friends/Guildies should remain visible regardless of WM status, less aggressive phasing). Going back to trying to lock people on PvP servers is just a fool’s errand.

But nobody would be “locked” its free will, its a choice. Anyone who doesnt want to be on the sever doesnt have to be.

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Again, as I’ve argued in the past, PvP servers forced people to weigh between playing with their friends on that server or having to play a different server on their own and that’s a bad choice for a game to force you to make. Refine War Mode a bit and you’ll have the perfect solution.

I award you the Neco Lord of the Day award. :ribbon:

Over 3 years, thats some serious graveyard digging up.

im undead thats what i do

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And it happened again in the reboots.

Many take the pvp mega servers as they are best shot at LFG hits. Same as they did the first time years ago.

Before retail really opened up x-realm best shot at arena, then RBG.

I like many on whiteman am not there to openworld pvp. its 30 k horde for easier arena access. And presumable RBG access in cata. and a west coast server so better ping wise for me lol.

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from what I read back then the real reason was so they had ONE type of server to deal with instead of two.

The mindset you saw from a small percentage of players who willingly rolled on a PvP server, is the same mindset that has spread throughout this country… People make decisions, they make choices… but they don’t want to be held accountable for them.

We already see the same thing on the Hardcore server. People are told the rules and the risks. They KNOW the rules and the risks. They roll a toon… and the crying began. Post after post about how they died (not talking about the DC deaths) but that it wasn’t their fault…or they made a “simple” mistake and now their level 41 toon is dead and that is wrong and etc. etc.

And although I have no issues with Warmode… the same thing STILL happens… Players turn it on, then cry because the guy who attacked them should have KNOWN that they really didn’t WANT to turn WM on, they only did it for the bonus!

For the love of all that is holy… can people PLEASE start taking responsibility for their choices?

If War Mode didn’t grant any PvE bonuses, people wouldn’t jump into it unless they were actively planning to PvP. So change the bonuses that it grants to something PvP focused instead of XP/Gold boosts. Then PvErs will leave it alone and those truly interested in PvP will pursue it.

I still think that a server with PvP turned on by default, where turning war mode off would penalize you, would be a good way to incentivize world pvp. Say a 5% penalty to exp (which gives an added bonus to people who say leveling is too fast), and a 5% penalty in gold from quest rewards at max level.

Granted, I’m the only who seems to think this is a good idea, but I still think it is a good compromise.

No, there’s no reason a ‘reverse War Mode’ has to exist; just fix WM’s bonuses to be PvP-centric, address sharding issues and bam, there you go.

They need to make it so that anytime you become flagged, you transfer to warmode and must remain there for a period of time. Make it so you cant attack ANY enemy npc without being flagged first. If you enter an enemy town you get a 30 second timer to shift you to wm. put all pvp in wm and dont let it bleed over. link more servers wm together to give larger populations.
Make it so that if you attack a toon more than 10 levels lower than you first the damage is reflected on you.

All that needs to happen is for War Mode to be retooled to grant bonuses to PvP activities and to have the sharding issues looked at with it. It doesn’t need to be completely reinvented and it doesn’t have to grant undue protection to players opting in.

Eh… depends on what’s changing.

People trapped on a pvp server tend to quit the game. At this point many people have tried WOW already the pool of players is not bottomless. The internet is not new anymore.

Just say you want to gank low levels lol