Why did blizzard implement warmode and destroy the concept of PvE and PvP servers?

War Mode just proved that most ppl who remained on PvP servers felt obligated to stay.


My take on the whole thing is that PVP servers didnā€™t have enough people per server to support the activity.

War mode enabled them to turn off dedicated PVP servers, and give anyone interested in PVP an opportunity to have it when they wanted, just so long as others also wanted to engage in it at the time.

Idk what to tell ya man, choose to be on a pvp server you chose to be involved in the things that happen on pvp servers :woman_shrugging:

Just because your friends are doing something doesnā€™t mean you have to as well.

I thought that they converted all of the PVP servers into PVE around the start of BFA when war mode was added?

While there were some large PvP servers, there were also smaller ones that were essentially dead for the minority faction and barely alive for the majority. In a 2 faction PvP system, one faction will sooner or later will inevitably become dominant and the other will disappear.

A lot of people rolled on PvP servers to play with their friends. Eventually their friends left, and they were trapped on those servers by the cost of moving their characters to a PvE server. They did mostly PvE, but eventually WoWā€™s changes to world content meant that wPvP was unavoidable, even though they no longer had any desire to do it. Iā€™m sure Blizzard had data showing that fewer characters were rolled and leveled up on PvP servers than normal servers, and population on them was probably dropping.

Thatā€™s exactly what happened. You know this thread is a 3 year old necro, right?

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i transferred to stormreaver back in the day purely for raiding purposes. i had no interest in pvping whatsoever. fortunately it didnā€™t matter because the realm was like 98% horde so the chances of ever being attacked (or finding anyone to attack) in the world was basically zero. i think people are forgetting how common that was on ā€œpvp serversā€.

Iā€™ve known so many people who quit for that exact reason. They enjoyed a lot of the game, but quit because they couldnā€™t enjoy levelling up. It would be less of a problem being attacked by comparable levels, but the ones who think ganking players fifty levels below is PvP ruined it for others.

I really miss the days when we could attack each otherā€™s cities, but of course people snitching on Vent, Discord, or whatever ruined that too.

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The first character I ever rolled was a Draenei hunter on Stormreaver, because I was so confused by all the information I messed up that part.

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This is the actual reason it was done. Love the various made up ones in the thread, though.

Without my friends, thereā€™s no interest in playing this game. Itā€™s kind of how cooperative multiplayer games roll.

Because of THE WHINE. The world didnā€™t have enough cheese and crackers for it.

Sounds like Moonguard as the Alliance raid our city. Usually some dwarf paladin leading the charge.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

Hey guys! Help me with this dilemmaā€¦ A group of about 15 of my friends have decided that they want to get together once a week and go to a movie. The problem is that the theater is in a part of the city that I am not comfortable in. There are a few gangs and there have even been numerous assaults and murders in that area. I talked to my friends, but they like that theater and want to keep going there.

Soā€¦ I have a decision to make. And the decision is MINE and MINE aloneā€¦ I either: A) Join my friends knowing full well the risksā€¦ B) Not join my friends and stay in my part of the cityā€¦ or C) Complain to the city planners about my friends choosing to go to that theater and demand that they demolish that part of the city because it doesnā€™t matter what my 15 friends want to do, it only matters what I wantā€¦

What should I do?


Bad necro is bad. Stop reviving a dead thread with replies.

Omg I didnā€™t even notice. This thread got ganked on a pvp server for over 3 years before it could rez.

Should probably try D: Enable a system that allows you to go to the movie with your friends while keeping you impervious from harm from outside actors, even if your friends elect to pull out a rocket launcher and start making noise.

With that crystal ball of yours could I get the lotto numbers please and thank you.

Well then your going to be subjected to the outcomes of being on a pvp server.

Itā€™s kind of how pvp works

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Hence why War Mode is the optimal solution; it lets WPvP-minded folk find fights while allowing me to exist on and play alongside my friends on the same server. Tweak some of the War Mode rewards and sharding and weā€™re good to go.

Forced CRZ destroyed pvp servers more than anything.

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