Why did blizzard implement warmode and destroy the concept of PvE and PvP servers?

idk which would get me first the alcohol poisoning or me drowning from doing all those shots. ( when i do a shot i pour it into a cup and go yea that looks like enough which is usually 4ish shots for normal people) and i dont even drink that often

Ah, the hallmark of a good and inclusive game; making someone a millstone around their friends’ necks for the crime of wanting to play alongside them or, better yet, forcibly dividing friend groups just to play the game.

Again, and this is the perspective of someone that’s played on a PvP server since Vanilla (hi TFC), all a PvP server enabled was the gank tax on unsuspecting or helpless lowbies.

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For the most part that’s all it was…every now and then might get a decent fight of 10 on 10 or so but that was the exception and not the rule.

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Exactly, so you want people to play the game how you think it should be. Not how they actually want to play it. You basically just reinforced what you said the first time. Are your friends really going to jump ship if a pvp server is made? If so, why wouldn’t you be happy for them? I’m sure they would still play on a pve server if they actually enjoyed playing with you anyways.

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This isn’t them going off to college or getting married, this is them deciding ‘I like PvP so I feel like I have to go on this server to get any action in that regard’ and then me going ‘well I either don’t play with my friends (which means I pretty much don’t play period) or they have to basically carry me through all of the ganks, town depletes, and captial raids in order to get to the content I’m good at and care about.’

Remember, PvE still matters on a PvP server. That is the point of War Mode; you PvP when you’re feeling frisky for it, and you stick to PvE when you’re not up to getting ganked or camped.

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Borderline entitled there .

How so, when I played on ‘normal’ servers lol so your lame attempt at attacking me failed.

So were a lot of things that changed, c’est la vie… I think you need to stop projecting and realize who the slow af person is in this conversation :brain:

If they’re not going to bring back a classic PvP server, then fine.

But they really need to do something about War Mode and the post-Legion PvP system in general.

It was heralded as the next big evolution in WoW PvP and it has NOT delivered, in any way shape or form.


cause the majority dont care about pvp so they dont invest resources in warmode. the people that do care do solo shuffle or 2s/3s. i dont really hear about anyone doing rbgs anymore though

Out of curiosity, did you think that person from 2020 would see your reply? It’s an honest question.

The taking away of pvp servers and addition of war mode was made for people who got a little too upset that they were getting ganked in pvp servers.
If you choose to be on a pvp server thats just it, a choice, one that you decided to make.
If you don’t like getting ganked, git good or don’t pvp.
That is literally the whole premise of pvp. You should not be able to turn pvp on or off.

I swear the same people mad about pvp servers existing are those same kids that wanted to play tag until they were “it” and suddenly didn’t want to play anymore. :clown_face:

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The point was to re start the discussion because there are many pvp players out there that hate war mode and need a change.

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That about sums it up.

All PvP servers enable is ganking and griefing, that’s it. This is coming from someone whose first max-levels were on a PvP server not because I sought PvP, but because I wanted to, brace yourself here, play with friends. This was back in the day where hitting max level was a multi-week affair, dragged out even longer by the opposing force squadding up and deciding to deplete an NPC town or chain-camp a dungeon/raid and then the lowbies had to beg higher-levels for support just to get back to PvE activity.

Remember, PvE still has to happen on a PvP server.

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This is the answer for most issues with WOW>

ION needs to be canned asap.

uh huh

Yes pve still happens on pvp servers. This is not news.

But YOU CHOSE to be on a pvp server. I understand not everyone likes pvp that’s totally fine.

But that’s like me getting mad at roleplayers if I chose to play on a roleplaying realm.

I personally don’t follow my friends around if they do something I don’t like.

I chose to be on a PvP server because my friends wanted to PvP, so the options were to go with them and get subjected to the hell that was PvP back in the day, or go it alone on a PvE server with nobody to help or talk to.

War Mode needs some tweaks, but it’s the only way both sides get what they want.

Three years later i know but…

“Blizzard is just bilking us for money not giving us transfers off this server for free, i cant even quest without being camped”
Yes, because many players got tired of pvp servers and pitched a holy tirade instead of paying for a transfer or starting over.


PVP servers allowed for players to shut down bots, so blizzard removed them.