Why current GDKP is bad in Era

I mean, you claimed gdkp is like gambling

Pretty clear you dont understand how it works

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Goodness gracious, you just CAN’T move forward can you? CLEARLY, since that interaction I have NOT called it that since have I? Didn’t think so.

I’ll call it AH Raiding, though.

Though, if AH Raiding could be treated like (keyword) in-game gambling (not saying that it is, for those “at the ready” to be like “it’s not gambling, RREEE”), would solve everyone’s problems.

It’s funny though 'cause I’ve NEVER advocated for the removal of AH Raiding. I’m one of the few anti-AH Raiding who does NOT want to remove AH Raiding. I just find the reasoning from pro-AH Raiders rather silly and quite self entitled, but that’s OK.

Keep ripping off the WoW community! I’m more disappointed in the PARTICIPANTS than the AH Raiding, itself.

You know the whole “hate the player not the game” kind of thing.

EDIT: I actually probably would partake in AH Raiding (like with a tight knit guild or something), if it was advertised better. Right now, the advertisements feel gross and repel me away.

EDIT 2: The main reason I keep reading to keep AH Raiding in tact is the same “I want to be paid for my time” statement. Are you serious? Not a community I want to represent. No, thank you.

Since, when did it change from “have fun with my guild” to “I want something for my time”? I can understand on a mature server when your toon is decked out to jump on a GDKP and carry for gold. But to do it week in and week out for what? To have endless amount of gold? to boost up ur alts? just to run some GDKPs on that fresh 60? You see the cycle there? its not a healthy one for the commuting.

Yesterday. I ran a ZG with like 4 or 5 naxx geared people. They were so nice and helpful. I joined their guild. We’re running MC tonight. Its a SR guild. I’m ok with that.

I will NEVER run a GDKP. Its just not the way I like to play the game.


The cycle of running gdkp on geared mains to get gold to then buy gear on your new alts in gdkps is the entire thing keeping era alive.

There is no future content phases to prep for.

Its completely unrealistic to expect people to endlessly run the same raids over and over on their full bis characters “just for fun”, or to “help out”, that only lasts so long, on a server forever stuck at the same progression phase for eternity you need an endless endgame loop to keep people going, and gdkp raids are exactly that.
Anyone can work on their own endgame goals, you can buy bis gear for your meme specs that no guild would ever let you roll on before peoples mainspecs, people are incentiveized to full run each raid and not leave after their loot doesn’t drop and everyone ends a run with something to show for it.
You guys keep clinging to this idealistic utopia where nobody ever gets bored of classic wow raiding and will just continue to raid every week for eternity just because. That works on a fresh progression server but is not sustainable on a server forever stuck in phase 6 stasis.

Gdkp raiding is why era can continue to survive, every player can use all their characters to further their goals on any and all of their other characters. It is the solution to creating a sustainable and engaging endgame loop without the need for new content or relying on other players goodwill.

Ive noticed everyone that talks about their soft res guilds on classic are always stuck in tier 1 or at best tier 2 content. Most people have goals past the first half of the games endgame content and i have yet to see any of these soft res guilds actually get that far, because their rosters are always bleeding players once they progress past needing mc/bwl, because guess what, most people aren’t gonna stick around to clear content they no longer need when they see other people not only clearing the content they need, but doing it twice as fast and earning thousands of gold at the same time. The honeymoon phase of being a fresh 60 progressing MC with the boys wears off sooner or later.
Also, believe it or not, most of the organized gdkp groups have just as much if not more social interaction as progression guilds, because most of the players in them are the same people every week, its not some souless transactional exchange that anti gdkp people want to paint it out to be, its just raiding with the boys and making gold while doing it.


How with boosts? The same people running GDKPs are no way in hell leveling the old fashion way. They sure are keeping the world and era alive. =P


I just hit 60 on a warlock on Wednesday leveling the old fashion way while running every raid lockout in a gdkp with my shaman in the meantime. Just did my raids and leveled my warlock when i wasn’t raiding, no need to rush, by the time i hit 60 i had made 20k gold that i can now use to gear them with.
Also, theres more to classic wow then people lvling to 60, theres that whole raiding and pvp endgame that gdkp raids facilitate

Its like he doesnt understand the fact that the majority of people who GDKP also raid with their guild on other toons. He really has 0 idea what hes even talking about

Oh, Owns you silly rabbit.

I mean its true. You just keep displaying your ignorance of the topic.

You have an opinion. No more, no less. kthxbai.

Notice how its the people that refuse to run gdkp, thus have very little experience on the topic that have all these negative opinions about it.

Its almost like you’re letting your preexisting biases and assumptions inform your opinion rather than actual experience.

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I havent ran any but I have seen a lot of streamers run them, ALOT.

I have said the original version is not what is currently version has turned into. You for example are probably in the .1%. I have also heard terrible stories about them. It’s not the way I like to play the game so therefor I wont join on. If you are ok with it… continue to do you.

I joined a guild that are running raids the way I like to play em. I’m happy and I’m sure you are happy taking whales gold.

You cant base anything off of what the streamers are doing. They’re monetarily incentivized to make GDKPs look like people are spending millions in them, to have people bidding things up and that is not the case in the overwhelming majority of GDKPs.

I’m done with my opinion on this matter. I dont like it, I wont run ever. I will stop playing first. Its a very small percentage of DKPS that arent toxic and dont use whalers that buy gold and ruin the economy and community. But it seems like you guys can’t admit to that and believe 80%+ are good for the game.

I disagree. =)

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Its actually a higher percentage of them that dont have whales that buy gold. Again, you should just stop talking about that which you know nothing about.

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And you continue to show how dense of an individual you are. I should’ve put you on ignore a while back.

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How am I the dense one if you’re just spewing ignorant nonsense.

No, it’s not. Not everyone plays Era for the same reasons. You’d be surprised how many people play this game and raiding is NOT their “end goal”.

I agree. Too bad I’m not.

“Endgame” doesn’t always mean “Raiding”.

I feel like you can do this on SR, too (minus the AH part).

I can understand this concern in a PuG situation. In a Guild situation, it’s hardly the case.

Here we go! Had to put in that “bragging right” oi vey :roll_eyes:

No, this is you putting words into our mouths.

Even I take breaks from the game, in general, and Leveling is my goal.

It’s important to take breaks, even in an AH Raiding culture.

It’s not sustainable even in a “fresh”. People NEED breaks, and that’s OK.

No. It’s the “popular thing” sure, but I’ve seen the way the HC community built their own utopia on an RP server.

And, that one Alliance player on a Horde dominated PvP server flip the scripts.

You only THINK AH Raiding is “keeping Era alive”, when it’s just another “popular” outlet tool, for anyone interested.

If I had more time, I’d build my own Utopian outlet that does NOT contain AH Raiding 'cause IK it’s possible. Unfortunately, I have a 7mo old to TC of. Otherwise, I love flipping scripts :slightly_smiling_face:

Everyone? EVERYONE? Maybe some but not EVERYONE.

Yes, everyone has different priorities. Glad we understand this.

Yes, gotta “pay for people’s time” 'cause they’re oh so important. It ALWAYS leads back to this!

THIS is the message (keyword) I’m advidly AGAINST, when it comes to the defense of AH Raiding. That and thinking AH Raiding is what “keeps Era alive”. How self-centered and self-absorbed can the AH Raiding defenders be?

You don’t seem to understand that I do NOT want to remove AH raiding! I just cannot stand along side its DEFENDERS and their self-absorbed mindset. It turns me off from wanting to help protect it.

That’s why Guild (keyword) AH Raiding I (and probably others) don’t mind. It’s the PuG AH Raiding where the “exchange” happens. You said it, yourself, in OTHER AH Raiding threads that it’s the “better solution” for PuGs.

And the other AH Raiding advocate said if they’re gonna PuG, they’re not looking to “make friends” and uses the AH Raiding toolkit as a crutch to “carry” their “possible” new “friends” HENCE it’s a “service”/“transaction”/“exchange”.

These are YOUR sides words! Not something my side “made up”.