I’m not for or against Classic. If it succeeds? Cool. If it dies a slow death? Ok. I’m still playing retail.
One thing that sticks out the most to me?
There was a definite monetary reason and PLAYER demand for an expansion from Classic.
I personally don’t train or work my life in reverse. I enjoy my memories of the past and love nostalgia but not so much I’m wanting to relive it. Good or bad. Just who I am and my opinion though.
Minecraft looks like it’s from the early 90’s, and it doesn’t fail. Age of a game has nothing to do about it failing or not, what matters is the gameplay:
Blizzard was shutting down a service that didn’t officially exist anymore, there was a massive demand for Vanilla servers. After Blizzard shut down the largely popular nostalrious server Blizzard had no choice but to make their own since there was a public outcry.
I mean, they could have chosen not to. They did have a choice, they shut down other private servers, outcry or not. Nostalrious isn’t special, it was just around a while.
Blizzard doesn’t expect vanilla to be anything more than a tourist attraction.
Nobody is doubting it’s big, just see how it’s implemented.
Down the road microtransations will 100% be there you think businessmen are really this altruistic to game integrity? Especially if there are more players than the current version of the game?
You’re right, can’t wait to fly around in classic and transmog my bloodelf DK and que up for m+ after doing my island expeditions and getting my cache from world quests.
i theorized a way around that. a middle ground if you will, its more retail friendly, but still classic like, a classic+, sort of a bridge between retail and classic. but no short cuts. no name changes. no tmogs (had a different idea for this). no paid character boosts. only faction or server transfers, retail models as default, guild banks and updated graphics. some horizontal development in the form of level 60 raids/dungeons based on karazhan crypts, emerald dream and the dragon isles.
for tmog replacement i thought shapeshifts could be implemented. but that would take some explanation and might go off topic for your thread.
everything else would function just like classic. it’s only ideas to satisfy the players who want classic but think guild banks, retail models and horizontal progression would be nice.