Why Class Restrictions Don't Make Sense

The truth is, people are predictable and lack imagination, they will play with beautiful humanoids with normal stature or any se*y and fluffy stuff around.

As the game is right now we should remove all restrictions and all the races despite the elves and humans perhaps.

Problem solved. World of Elves & Humans craft.

Not here to debate, just here to say I agree with OP and want to add my vote in favor of removing race/class restrictions :]

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Sunday starting early with usual cast padding that trust level reqs.

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right so dwarf paladins are an invention of world of warcraft rather than the previous games. was there anything ever indicative that dwarves would consider the human’s church of the light over their own religious practices and wasn’t just a contrivance to allow for there to be more than 1 race that could be paladin in vanilla? and it’s really telling of you to include “we can observe this irl as well” lol. should we start passing laws that restrict one’s occupation based on their culture or heritage?

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This is the two edges on the blade. The player character is meant to be a notch above common folk. Immortal soul. Etc. Why we can come back from death etc etc.

I think they had it right through Cataclysm. We’re powerful. But we’re still part of an Army. Nobody single handedly killed Arthas, Yogg, Neltharion, etc. You could claim i was there when Arthas (or x boss) fell, but it was not lore breaking for others to also claim that.

Warlords started pushing it. Giving us a Garrison and calling us a general. But then they dropped the ball. General of all forces? You were? So was I. How that work? Oh, you held the heart of Azeroth? Are ya sure? Cause i got one in my bank collecting dust right now.

However i think they’re stressing to pull us back down to size a bit to where we should always be IMO. A strong, powerful, important part of a larger story. But not the center of it.

Even fantasy worlds have their set of rules in accordance to lore and such.

Otherwise we’d just be playing an MMO Fortnite where you see a Hello-Kitty character walk by Master Chief & Goku, getting ready to kill void-corrupted Elmo.

Not really. You said so yourself, the world should follow some rules in regards to the levels of magic and have consistent lore.

  • Having Mechagnome druids wouldn’t be consistent with lore, because you’d have their mechanical body parts turn to flesh and then back again. This would imply they can self-apply the curse of flesh; then cure it sometime later … which would defeat the whole plot premise the race was built upon.
  • Having Undead druids wouldn’t be consistent with the lore, because upon shapeshifting into a lively thriving being — They’d find the cure to undeath … which again, rather nullifies the concepts the race is built upon.

So having class restrictions, quite literally makes sense in some areas.
As for exceptions already made, I’ve said it quite often before and I’ll say it again:

Poor lore in one area, doesn’t justify it being poor in other areas.

I personally, vehemently disagree with the whole stupid concept of “All Races = All Classes”
Blizzard said they’d open up more — They never said they’d open them ALL.


We get a ton of invented reasons fans make up for why a combo doesn’t make sense and then they claim a definite interpretation of the lore. It’s slightly depressing, if only because it makes it clearer and clearer that few people care for worldbuilding and only wanna play the RTS games all over again.

Also, the “irl” comment was beautifully offset by “there’s nothing natural about addicts.” LMAO

No, races are different and have different upbringings. This is why class reatrictions exist. Bad thread

That is literally what people are arguing for here. Lets be real, the only reason these requests are being made is so they can make all their Horde characters be BE’s instead of real Horde races.

Obviously not everyone, but I would be interested to see a current race breakdown of the Horde after all the Allied races have been added. I bet it is still overwhelmingly BE’s and giving them more classes will only make that more lopsided.

“Let’s be real” is pretty much never followed up by a take rooted in reality, and this post stays true to form there. You’re inventing this mass migration to blood elves, who by the way are absolutely “real” Horde, but nothing aside from the race’s popularity gives credence to the idea. As this thread makes obvious, there are still many lore purists who don’t wanna see the IP develop past wci-ii

I mean, that happened in 2007. Just curious if the Allied races made it any better or not. Is the Horde still like 40% BE or not?

Well they do have 1 class on horde side restricted to BELF only, and it makes sense that it is when the lore is taken into account. Illidan wasn’t about to take in just anyone in that time period.

There is a big difference between the laws of magic and those who can/will pursue them. Every race in wow has shown example of being able to not only exceed physical limitations that ordinary people have but also the ability to use magic. This should be reason enough for as to my player characters can be any class they would like.

We are already playing MMO Fortnite, we literally have players running around in pajamas for god sake.

Yes, the lore might be bad in certain areas, but you can’t just put your hands over your ears and go nanananana and pretend it doesn’t exist. We have undead priests, therefore we should have undead paladins. The blood elves have been with the horde for 15 years, they would definitely have shamans/druids at this point. I can go on and on but I think you get the point.

Every example of the race/class combination can be twisted for it to make sense. Make undead druid forms have an “undeath” aesthetic. That would actually be sick. Mechagnomes would literally be like transformers. If you really put your mind to it you can make every race/class combination make sense in a logical way. It just takes a little writing skill, and story building to back it up.

Yes, they have different upbringings but the world has changed a lot in the last 20 years since the third war. Racial lines have been blurred, and the races of both the alliance and horde have existed for a very long time. It makes literally no sense as to why elfs wouldn’t learn shamanism for a key example.


No, it’s not. It’s part of the lore. If someone isn’t born with a connection to nature, they can’t be a Druid. Simple as that. If the order of Paladins doesn’t want anyone but Humans and Dwarves, nobody else can be a Paladin. Simple as that.

This isn’t modern day America where everyone has to be able to do anything they want and be whoever they want. Your mindset is dumb and has no place in WoW. And I actually don’t like how much they opened up these restrictions in favor of player choice. Classic got it right. Modern WoW doesn’t.

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Why are you bringing politics into gaming? Your world view has no correlation with a fantasy world. Paladin, Shaman, Druids, those are all skillsets that are passed down from generation to generation. Player characters are taught by those who know how to manipulate those powers and use them for whatever means. As I have mentioned 20x now throughout this thread the lines between races and diluted by a ton. Orcs and elves live together, share the same battlefields, and call each other brother/sister. They would 100% teach each other about their customs and abilities.

Insulting is only going to get you so far, and using the phrase “that’s dumb” as a counter point doesn’t work.

All Classes/All Races only make sense if racials have strong positives and negatives to push people to certain class combos.

Except they aren’t. Or at least didn’t use to be. Current Blizz seems to be okay with the idea but being a Druid or Shaman or a Pally wasn’t something you could just learn by practicing. It used to have a much deeper meaning, your character had a connection to something that was unique.

But if we are going the free for all route I want my NE Paladin.

This hasn’t been true since cata. Do you think goblin shamans could form a deeper connection with nature than night/blood elves who either do or have embodied nature at certain times?

I get the sentiment that classic lore enjoyers have I really do, but classic was 20 years ago. Things have changed not just in the world, but also with our characters. I also heard there are a few classic versions of the game floating around for players to enjoy :).

Shamanism is not a connection with nature.

Goblins were connecting with the elements before Cata.

Only Sith deal in absolutes.

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