The elements are literally just spirits created by the planet. They are apart of nature and thus those who commune with nature would also have a natural affinity for communing with the elements.
Goblins just pay the elements to work for them. That alone should give ANY race the ability to use the elements.
These sentences are wrong in almost every way possible.
You are very welcome to look up “elemental spirit” on wowpedia if you want to educate yourself.
They’ve been removing class restrictions where feasible for a while now, though they’ve been notably slow at creating assets for shamans/paladins for all races.
There are some ways that only some race/class restrictions make sense. Demon Hunters for one, being a selective order with secretive practices, and Evokers being a state of being rather than something that they chose to be.
I am struggling to say this in the nicest way possible with out seeming like I am intentionally flaming but if you look at the OP topic, “Why class restrictions don’t make sense,” in the terms of I want there is a clear understanding of personal appropriation going on.
Where as the other side of the proverbial coin is not viewing things in the a fore mentioned context, ergo the sides here will forever clash.
Now through in things like, “lore,” and “game history,” and you see the makings of more clashing against the personal appropriation of the OP. Which leads me to wonder, why I am still writing this and here?
I should of gone surfing… 20’ out there right now.
Why does this even matter? With all the race/class combos they have now, how do you find time to complain about wanting more? WoW has long lost the RPG aspect a long time ago but what benefits the players to make more race/class combos? How does this make the game better to make the player base keep playing longer than they already do?
I think here’s a big different between complaining and asking for changes to the games. It benefits the player by allowing players who want to play a specific class/race combo. For example, I have always wanted to main shaman but my favorite race by far is blood elf. Unfortunately elves cannot be shamans. I’d also like to add that blood elves are by far the most popular race and I’m sure many people would race change their shaman to elves if given the choice.
Well it definitely benefits Blizz with $$ from race changes. I imagine that is one of the metrics they use in determining when to open up new race/class combo’s. If race changes purchases on the cash shop slow down they throw out a new combo to spike sales again.
I think its a win-win situation personally. Players get to play race/class combos that they have been wanting for years, and blizzard gets a nice bump in cash.
Blood elves are still predominant. However, it’s not as though they’d be the only “beneficiaries” of implementing a change. Even if they do become more popular if given the option to be any class, the degree to which this is the case is speculative.
They have races that they know no one wants
want to play…
So they maintain the restrictions, to force the
Because they never make bad racial development
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Uh, idk about that. I feel the race restrictions are just a left over from old game design.
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Yet they resist making the all races/all classes transition.
Sure, but I feel that’s just a vestige from old RPG game design. I don’t think they are leaving restrictions in to make players play undesired races.
Also, damn that’s a late response LOL
what’s the timer on responses?
do you set it?
obviously not blizzard!
If there are no race, class, or faction distinctions, there is no point to them. Without distinctions, everyone is the same except for appearance.
Nah, I was just surprised thought this thread was dead.
If they leave it up…I guess it’s still alive.
That aside, I think it remains a relevant issue.