Hot take opinion. In a fantasy world, anything can happen. Sure the world should follow some rules in regards to the levels of magic, and have a consistent lore but restricting what a character pursues in their life is stupid. At the end of the day, these characters are ours. For most of us they are us personified. A game should never restrict what a player can and cannot pick as a class because it restricts the fun one might have. Imagine if players were restricted on which professions they could take because of their race? In fact, if you think about it things such as Night Elf engineers would make zero sense. This is why classes should be opened up, and yes this is another add Blood Elf shaman thread :).
Also, the races in Wow have been intermingling for the past 15 years, making the restriction make so little sense.
The class restrictions are mostly there because as players in WoW you are part of the world and thus represent the majority of those who live in it. We all know that exceptions exist, but you are one of the champions of the alliance/horde, a normal adventurer.
The thing is if you’re gonna acknowledge that lore is important, how do you reconcile the fact that a handful of class/race combos break lore?
Most notably void elf paladins, since it’s confirmed lore that the void and light are an incredibly volatile mix.
Also it’s not such a big hurdle that it’s going to be the main reason that everything isn’t unlocked, but races that have racial cosmetic parts to them are going to be something that they’re expected to create new versions of.
This includes druid forms and shaman totems, which is probably why even if they did move to unlock everything we’d probably see those classes added last.
But why can’t the player be an exception? In fact, in retail we ARE an exception. We are referred to as champion, and in legion we at the top of our class and lead the organizations our classes were apart of. We haven’t been normal adventurers since TBC.
It simply depend of your vision of the game, they did believe in factions being way more adversarial than right now but it could change. I thought being called a maw-walker personally in shadowlands didn’t make much sense we’re like millions of maw-walkers. I think what Legion did with class halls and putting us as leaders is quite problematic lore-wise as you’re not really doing that job.
You extremely don’t. The majority of those who live on Azeroth weren’t the leader’s of their class hall, nor the wielder of the Heart of Azeroth.
Im cool with more class options as long as belf/velf never see druid and shaman
Oh yea that piece of rock that everyone had huh. Made you feel special? Sure have enjoyed that mass produced plastic Ashbringer have you? ^^
I have 5 expansions calling me Champion and Commander that suggest I am the exception, and not the rule.
My only issue with this is you already have problematic problems. A key example since classic has always been priest. To start, Undead can be them, and using the light should literally destroy their bodies. Also, in regards to void and light we can also use priests as an example. Shadow priests literally channel void energy but can also use the light. Do you see what I’m getting at?
Champion is probably a most generic term for adventurers.
Also what armies have you commanded as Commanders, oh that mission tables? yea not really a thing.
This is going to blow your mind, but the Champion of Azeroth was unique. Much like effectively everyone in any multiplayer game in history.
Huhuh, unique with all those people next to me using it. Many multiplayer games choose differently. Not all multiplayer games make you “the chosen one” in a multiplayer setting because it’s simply absurd.
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Remember you start as a random schmuck of your race as well
So you’re one of the classes your race can be, and class changes aren’t a think except for the few times it happened to characters much more powerful than ourselves
I think the issue lies with Blizzards choice for how they are handling the player narratively. They are a little lukewarm with how much we contribute. Are we on the same power level as Illidan, Thrall, or Jaina? Are we just a random adventurer carving his mark in the world? I feel Blizzard should take the FF14 approach or the Wow classic approach but not in-between. It causes narrative issues and makes the player feeling wanting/confused as to their role in the story.
Currently however, I see no reason as to why we don’t see things like Blood Elf Shamans running around.
You already have cow rogues and dranny rogue lol
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Yeah, and I want Blood Elf totem boys
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I mean, not really but you do you.
The only classes that have any actual, in-universe constraints on them are the Death Knights, Demon Hunters, and Evokers. Every other class is entirely possible for anybody to become.
Priest exists in a weird place because it was always filling in for a lot of things all at once.
That said undead priests aren’t a problem because the Light doesn’t actually necessarily destroy their bodies. Even in lore, there is an undead paladin and they go a step further with that than the priests do.
Priests channeling void and light isn’t a concern because they’re channeling it. Paladins actively infuse their bodies with the light, and void elves are void elves because they’ve been physically infused with the void.
It’s the difference between working with 2 different chemicals stored in different beakers vs mixing them in the same beaker to produce an incredibly unstable mixture.
Also if one is gonna say lore consistency is important, then I don’t think “Well yeah but they’re already bending stuff” is much of an argument here.