Why can't we twink?

WoW aint life, Blizzard is a business. Having 1 guy in every low level BG with 10x the stats of everyone else made the queues dead for everyone. Now just the people who wanted to make the queues dead get dead queues. Guess that unfairness is going the way you don’t want it to and you’re just not getting used to it :stuck_out_tongue:

I think Blizzard needs to come to grips with the fact that they have turned the end game into everything they tell you is horrible while leveling.

Don’t act like a psychopath and maybe people won’t call you crazy. Just a thought.


I tried to twink, but I think I did it backwards.


I mean as long as you’re safely trapped at home and not endangering the public :man_shrugging:t4:


Level 60 no faction twinks are the best twinks.

…wait, with cross-faction groups being a thing, is it possible to be summoned off the wandering isle without choosing a faction? :thinking:


So Horde aren’t hard because they beat up on Gnomes? :smile:

Do we beat up gnomes? I must have missed the memo.

looks for gnome

There is your answer right there. Not enough twinks want to twink. Out of the millions upon millions of players twinks can’t even fill a queue.

Yeah, I’ve seen some Horde beating up Gnomes and stealing their lunch money!

Well, that’s very rude! I would keep a pet gnome in my pocket.


I’d prefer a backpack and keep a Gnome in that.

Like Banjo and Kazooie.

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Oooooh that is a good idea!

Lots of people have to do things they don’t like to do to get to the thing they want to farm. Read a guide on how to unlock the Shadowlands features and do it. That’s how you have a good PVP experience right now. Dunking on new players is a really silly game focus and there’s just not many MMO devs that focus on it. Only Mortal Online 2 I can think of that makes that a supported gameplay style. You can buy Rust and stand on the beach all day killing naked people, that’s what twinked BGs are about.

It’s not “a queue”. That is misrepresenting how the random finder works.

The system puts one player into one bg or dungeon. The next one goes into the next, then the next. So until there are enough players queuing to fill all of them, queues will not regularly pop.

People who play twinks play a number of them, but one at a time. When they still queued for PvP, they were a disproportionate part of participation. But they are spread across all brackets, so it’s really disingenuous what you are suggesting.

God forbid anybody should ever want to improve. You trainend them well, and then you get to complain about max level players who aren’t good enough for you because you trained them not to care.

The idea that there are “millions upon millions” of unique accounts at this moment is nothing but a lie.

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Thank you for clearing that up. I am sorry that there are not enough twinks to populate the system as you have described it. My observation is not disingenuous; you want the game to deliver what it cannot - enough players to support how you wish to play it.

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because griefing people in lower brackets is lame. “Surprise,” twinks don’t want to just “bg,” they want to troll people leveling through bgs, but when they have to queue against each other, its “dead.” I think the point is pretty obvious thus far. Go “TWINK” in current content if you want to be relevant.


Gone soft as in they won’t let you pvp against people in leveling greens when you’re in a broken twinked out character lol.

How dare Blizzard level the playing field.


Oh boy you’re really getting in at the ground level with that one. Enjoy further reading.


You are so cute!! Grats on 60

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