Why can't we twink?

I won’t argue that entry level PvP is screwed up and has been for a while. Random BGs are supposed to be the “ground floor” of PvP much like heroic dungeons are for PvE, but they sure don’t fill that role well. It’d be like if heroic dungeons randomly had trash packs from M+ keys ranging from +5 to +15 mixed in.

Personally? I say bring back the Legion BG template system for random BGs only. If people want to make use of their fancy gear they should go queue for rated BGs and arenas instead of acting like the high school senior knocking around kids in the elementary school playground.

Well you don’t get to in warcraft… :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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More like if one or more of the bosses in your Heroic were replaced with Mythic Jailer.

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I’m sure you’ll whine about people being “soft” when you get forum vacationed for that little gem.

I genuinely wonder how people like you function in real life, sometimes. Do you just fake it til you make it to fit into society and then show your real self here, or are you really just some mild-mannered accountant somewhere and the internet edgelord is the act?


In my first week of playing I was leveling in barrens and spamming classic dungeons, then I tried pvp while leveling once. I never left the graveyard, so I never touched pvp while leveling ever again.


What we have now is players who put their levelers into PvP for easy afk leveling, not even bothering to equip the heirlooms they have, because gear shouldn’t matter while leveling. That’s also pretty dumb, but I see it all the time.

[X] Doubt


I don’t think I would consider someone that wants to beat up on people that have no chance hard…

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Telling people to commit sudoku isn’t nice.


why would i be nice to my lessers, would you be nice to an ant or a fly?

Ah, a genuine crazy person then. Carry on I suppose.


Because twinking is abusable and kills new player experience. No newbie wants to be one shot by a low level with BIS gear, thats how you lose players.

I remember i heard Asmon on his view about twinks.

He said … they are cowards who refuse to face max level players. They just want to play twinks becoz they know they cant win at max level, instead, they want to play against newcomers to abuse them.

He seems right. And Blizz could have the same perception.

Me, i love twinks but for a different reason. I want to slaughter rich twinks on PvP. I was a Twink killer. Me and my friends geared up our twinks from dungeons with the help of our Main alts. We had twinks at every BG bracket. That was in the past.

I remember the time when my twink has aspect of cheetah while everybody was on foot. Love to abuse some class advantage.

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A. not crazy

b. their is no such thing as insanity thats just bs society uses to try to controll those who are superior in nature

Gee, I wonder why:


Yeaaaaah, I hope the banhammer comes nice and quick for you.


Shine on, you crazy diamond.


I never went that far with it, but there’s been a few times I’ve queued with friends, all of us having considerable control abilities, and we stick to the game’s enemy twink like glue the whole game, making them largely ineffective at e.g. chasing down flag runners.

It makes them absolutely livid and it’s hilarious. Not so funny when the shoe’s on the other foot is it?

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That’s a good selling point to do BGs and skip Shadowlands… never thought of that.

The dirty little secret is that Ion has turned randoms into a currency dispenser where top geared players can use their gear to effortlessly destroy the experience of casuals, while earning honor to buy the best gear in PvP, their reward for farming graveyards. Casuals who queue under the mistaken impression that this is content they should be doing are essentially queuing for the role of the random trash mobs in Island Expeditions.


I despise the 10-20 bracket for exactly this reason. The F2P thinks make that bracket awful when you are leveling.