Why can't we twink?

Why even have the ability to turn off exp if it puts you in a separate, completely dead queue

I just want to bg until the next expac, and I don’t want to do shadowlands content purely because i’d be at a disadvantage if I didn’t. It’s almost like my only option is to keep making new characters which is silly.


You can, but enough people have to want to twink in pvp. There are actually thousands of pve twinks. You can still pvp twink at max level, that’s fine because woot power inflation, level 20 on a free to play account, and level 50 on an account that doesn’t own SL.

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I know my husband wants to twink, but wow has gone soft (his words) it won’t let u pvp with people when u disable ur pvp, puts you in a different bracket, most enchants are worthless as a twink or just not useable anymore etc…

I’m guessing wow doesn’t want you to twink because they hate fun, you must be a slave to them.


Ah… the age of the WoW PvP Twinks. Those days sucked. People would get their guildies to run them through the PvE content above their level just to get the best items, lock their levels, and proceed to absolutely kill any sense of competition in the battlegrounds because literally only other Twinked out characters could compete. I think that was about when I quit doing PvP in WoW.

Seriously, it was dumb. You ever try to fight a level 19 twink on a level 12? 15? 18 even? It was a garbage experience that ruined low level BGs.


Because when the queues were mixed, BGs were frequently near-unplayable for non-twinks. The whole notion of PvP twinking basically revolves around depending on the players you’re crushing lining up to get crushed. It’s no wonder why people complained and Blizzard changed it.


i mean thats not really our proplem tbh… people who aren’t twinks will level out of the bracket in under 3 hours anyways… so really i fail to see the issue…

also its already like that even with non twinks coughs army of priest/paladins lol


The problem is that separating XPoff players is actually a great solution for most players. Pvp twinking could still work if people who did it wanted a fair fight. But most pvp twinks don’t want to fight other twinks, that would require skill. They just want to have an extreme unfair adantage.


um its not unfair if you work for it, you want it then put in the effort and earn it lol


It makes leveling via PvP miserable, which clearly is not something that Blizzard wants.


Lol, I don’t think that at all :joy: and neither does Blizzard, apparently.

Person abusing the xp off mechanic to get three times the hp and damage, making everyone who wants to level in bgs naturally either twink themselves or stand no chance? I don’t think that should be allowed.


Good thing this is a game then.


Well you’re right that life isn’t fair babe. You can’t twink in random bgs anymore. Boohoo


please i do my pvp destorying on starcraft lol zerg harassing to tourment ppl and not let them end it lol

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This is why it’s not allowed anymore.


but to answer your quesiton op you can still twink technically, make a second account get it the stuff lock the exp at 20 unsup and then pvp with it forever lol

What’s rediculous if they allow max level syncing to low level BGs, and it just as bad over geared twinks ever were.

Should allow both or neither. Both create the same problem. And at least twinking can be fun….


The last time I did low-level pvp (it was at least a year ago), there were premades with XP off people blended in, somehow, and it made pvp leveling a bit unfun in certain level brackets. Did they ever fix that?

I think what I’d do is set it up such that max levels synced to low level BGs have a static template applied that basically nullifies gear and makes the character more closely match what actual characters at that level would be in terms of power.

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wait for game to go on sell buy a 2nd, get it the gear on ur main then unsub it and u can twink forever and it still lets u in the pvp ground as its not rlly xp off.

That still works today, but if you see anyone with the xp off debuff in a non-twink bg, you can report them for cheating because they are exploiting a bug.

If they have no xp gain debuff, then you’re either level 20-29 or 50 and those players are not exploiting a bug.