Why can't we twink?

Yeah I instantly realized how many posts there were once I replied. I just hate twinks in pvp so much I couldn’t resist.


This happened because twinks we dominating normal bgs and people leveling though were frustrated with it. So Blizzard decided to give twinks their own playground. Who knew that there were probably only 10 twinks in all of warcraft :woman_shrugging:


Right, we’re far more civil these days.
We dumpster kids in un-upgraded honor blues on our conq geared mains.


its battle, battle isnt fair its get destoryed or destoryed period…

Its not suppose to be even ground the entire point of battle is to put yourself into a higher ground so you purge them out of existance completely

People really still play Twinks in PVP? God that’s lame, it’s 2022.


When you’re a soft boy who can’t cope with current content, twinking because the default. Then they project their ineptness onto those who don’t want to participate. Its ironic.

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…You do realize you sound like a certain dictator while you’re saying that, right?

You’re not wrong. Thankfully they’re fixing the garbage pvp system in DF.

This is a video game not actual war lmao. You want to have an advantage? Then get better at the game. Relying on twinking so you vastly overpower anyone you come across is lame and anti-fun.

Doesn’t really matter what you think at this point because Blizz has made their stance on it pretty clear.


You can still flag and camp dungeon entrances don’t worry you can get your cheap sense of satisfaction.

Twinking died because those players were forced to play with each other instead of literally shooting fish in a barrel of players just wanting to PVP in their own bracket.


i never said anything about having an advantage was the point… the point is being allowed a way to straight up butcher people for laughs lol and cut down entire groups like ur wiping through human armys as the perfect fae goddess you are.

its not even about the win its more about the wiping them all out for the laughs and enjoyment

…and you realize I’m not a twink, right? This is a placeholder character cause I used to be on this server, then transferred off. You need to be level 10 at a minimum to post on the forums. -_-


He’s 100% right, cowards kill lowbies and avoid fights when its equal footing.

Your sexual orientation is absolutely none of my business.

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I wouldn’t recommend it. A friend of mine was being camped a few months ago in “WoD” while leveling, I ended up camping him for 4-5 hrs with my 265 ilvl feral. 100% worth. He got many t-bags.

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I think you’re playing the wrong game then. Maybe try a single player rpg or something along those lines.


Did you even read the topic, or are you just willfully using the improper definition of “twink” in the thread’s context?

Just so I’m clear: “Twink” in the thread’s context means people remaining at Level x0/x9 to get an advantage over other players in low level battlegrounds.

The “twink” you referred to… is probably not suitable for describing on the forums.

We really gonna keep calling bracketeers “Twinks”? Twinks means only one thing to people who don’t play MMORPGs. The more important discussion is what is the new word for MMO twinks besides “coward”

Remember to tell everyone IRL you’re a twink

Ohhhh yikes.

I mean have you played Red Dead Redemption 2? The npcs are pretty vocal

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I mean if you need gear to compensate for skill, it really reflects more on you than them. In a fair match, they’d wipe the floor with you.

i wish twinks in wow were as cute as twinks IRL