Well, I bet those 70 twinkers would have handed you your behind. It had quite a following, and a lot of talent, before it was wrecked by Blizz.
And for the record, they were premades. We didn’t que into normal BG’s
Well, I bet those 70 twinkers would have handed you your behind. It had quite a following, and a lot of talent, before it was wrecked by Blizz.
And for the record, they were premades. We didn’t que into normal BG’s
Why do you want to twink? And if the reason is so you can ruin other people’s games by being overpowered, then there’s your answer.
If the twink queues would actually pop I’d be all for it but they don’t. It’s a failed system.
Some of the most fun I’ve had in WoW was due to twinking. This was a long time ago and during that time you had more twinks than non-twinks. Of course it felt good to one shot someone but the most fun(for me and many of other twinks i knew) was entering an evenly matched WSG. Sure they may take an hour to complete but nobody complained because it was fun. We did them for the fun, not for honor or any potential reward or exp to level. To this day I’d rather spend 2 hours in a WSG trying to figure out how to beat the other team than the timed BG’s we have today.
One thing I always made me laugh were those who say a twink is just someone who couldn’t make it at max level. While this may be true for some, it certainty isn’t the case for all. Anyone can make a twink if they wanted to. Not everyone had the time to stay on top of current content, grind rank 14 weapons, etc. The advantage twinks had over non-twinks wasnt that much bigger than people in BWL gear had over non-raiders and again, anyone could twink, BML not so much.
Sorry but this does not compute with modern gamers. If there’s no tangible reward they won’t do it. Fun is an old timer’s concept. If the BG lasts longer than 15 mins they’ll complain about it destroying their marriage or that the dog pooped inside. The idea of exiting wow to deal with RL before completing a BG is apparently inconceivable.
The pvp community really should look up the word Twink outside of it’s use in WoW. They may not find it very flattering. (Then again they may, Im not judging, just pointing out that word has an entirely different meaning when it’s context is not related to WoW PVP).
The term ‘twink’ predates World of Warcraft. The term was being used in a nerd context as far back as Ultima Online and most likely finds it’s roots in MUD’s.
And the term is most likely intended to parallel it’s usage in the gay community. A low level character getting geared out by a higher level character has some parallels with a twink and their sugar daddy. No one really knows why the term slid into nerd spheres but the gay undertones were most likely intentional.
Tell your husband his Man Card might have just been revoked for saying that.
Twinking died because they need non-twinks to get games. Following your logic, twinks are weak.
Walk your talk and drop the subject.
Player-made problem.
that isn’t weakness the people who are like this or that as an excuse to not have them and split them into their own tier is weakness…
but what do I expect of such a pansy a$$ human dog company, cant even let the goddess Sylvanas get her victory and slaughter both the trash horde and alliance and that destory arthas for good they did nothing wrong what so ever… it was the worlds fault for being weak it desevered to burn.
And i do walk the talk, I never said strength was my thing stratagy is my thing
Just twink at max level by pushing arena rating.
No it has the same meaning.
A Twink is a weak person that rides the coattails of someone more powerful, using their resources to obtain goals they themselves could not earn.
Twink at level 20, let subscription die after turning xp back on, boom you’re a 20 twink with unsuspecting nerds to blow up
Has anyone ever had a positive interaction with anyone who spells you’re as “ur”?
you want postive little human b1tch how about nice fireball we fae know all kinds of elemental spells, atleast youll look prettyer that way
Sorry i dont RP on the forums.
who said anything about rp i did tell everyone where i live also its not roleplay its real
What a well adjusted and stable individual.
What a lovely spouse you are.
Also your husband’s claim of wow being soft is just cope since he can’t do arena.