if arena had a 1v1 option he would but since it doesnt its still soft, beside wow is obviosely soft and pansy making the horde into a soft core trash faction and submit to alliance nobel good rainbow bs instend of letting sylvanas kill you all like u desever
Imagine trying to get people to think you are tough though a video game
tough lol I could burn every human on earth in a second with my magic irl its not toughness little human dog its fae superiority humans are nothing but ants to us fae
For now the little ants are usefull making plushys i like and shows like winx club but the second that changes good bye humanity
10 characters
count ur blessing on humanity being usefull making winx club and plushys i love is the only reason i allow humanity to exist on the planet that belongs to the fae
(Hats off to you, i have not been successful trolled in a long time)
Someone tell Jeremy’s mom that he’s ditching school (which he should be in summer school no doubt) and funposting on the forums.
im being seriose u want profe add me on discord furrypirate#3061
I bet i know who you voted for just based on this comment.
please only idoits vote, its pointless and meaningless to vote
Senator Armstrong
beside why would i vote when i plan to conqurer the world once it weakness itself a little more and we get 1 more plague then humanity will worship my man, and ill be at his feet on a leash
Because twinks abused it to the point where even when Blizzard gave them their own specialized queues, they admitted they didn’t actually want to fight equally geared players, they wanted to simply troll newbies.
also human the name is Priscilla also if u want to claim such bs furrypirate#3061 unless scared little human b1Tch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh2w0cdzlWA come add me on discord unless ur afraid of seeing ur inferiority human
Blizz doesnt want a unfair advantage in lower level BGs but created a crap max level PVP game with huge gear gap unfair advantages.
You can twink, and you’re with other twinks, because that’s where you 're competing with the same equivalently geared players. However, you want to be able to roll stomp those who don’t twink, just saying.
This is a similar argument to have males that transition to females to compete with their male physiques against those that never were able to benefit from testosterone. Are you Lia Thomas ?
Strategy isn’t purposely out gearing players who are leveling AKA just passing by.
Blizzard is in the People’s Republic of California, and most of their staff are hard core Leftists, and saying anything remotely close to a Conservative view point will get you vacationed from the forums.
Also, you’re not wrong. I’d love to add more commentary, but I have been vacationed from the forums several times and am not trying to tempt fate.