Why can't we twink?

I used to enjoy playing my twinks, but 7.3.5 killed my desire to play them in random dungeons (I don’t feel that patch’s problems are not felt nearly as badly now or even since BFA pre-patch, but it’s still not like it was before level scaling when felt like an absolute god, especially at certain twink levels). All but two or three of my twinks are on my second account, but I only bought time twice during BFA and just one month in SL (and only to use some of them for rocket chances). I enjoy playing them, but my thirst to play my twinks dried up in those final months of Legion. The SL level squish put the nail in the coffin of my desire: I had too much of an attachment to each of my twinks being a certain level using certain gear, and I’m just too much of a stubborn curmudgeon to go and level them to the top of a new bracket and re-gear because then they won’t be that specific character that I wanted them to be (and one is my late Vanilla hunter who I pushed up to [pre-shrink] 29 and another my original priest from Feb '05 who eventually became a 79…I didn’t want them to be a different level twink and have replaced gear…so, they will sit right where there are…). I’ve seriously thought about it because I do miss twinking…but I just can’t push myself to do it anymore. I hope that maybe someday I’ll have that spark for it again.

That rambling said, I’d like to see a change to the PVP queue so that xp-off twinks can gain a a very short queue as an option: I wish for all brackets we had both a scale-to-max-level with PVP templates queue (the default) as well as a standard, non-template queue broken into level brackets (which you could toggle on). Leveling players and xp-off twinks could either 1. queue for templated battlegrounds/skirmishes and know the balance of the opponents and teammates or 2. be pitted against everyone as-is knowing that they could be facing twinks.

Bifurcating the queue would seem like it’d hurt queue times, but the PVP template queues (which would be default below max level) would be short, especialy if max level characters can optionally queue into them as well. The non-template player pool would be smaller below max level (it would be the default for max-level bracket but for lower-level brackets it would not be the default option); however, it would likely be at least a bit larger than the xp-off-only player pool.

Basically I’d just like an optional scaled-to-max, PVP template battleground queue so that anyone can play with their friends no matter if they are xp-on, xp-off, max-level, or sub-max-level. But, I want it to be completely optional too. I know templates are not liked by many, but I think they could have a place alongside standard, all-holds-barred BGs.

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If you didn’t buy Shadowlands, you can level to 50 on a BFA locked account, and still play in the leveling bracket, like I do! If you go to the community tab, you can apply to join our community by searching for “50 PVP” on Alliance.

i beat up draenei and steal their lunch money…stares intently at luuni…then i push them in mud puddles.

Hey. Be nice. That’s someone’s unattended child.

Why can’t we roflstomp the non geared players and are forced to que with other twinks.

There i fixed the title for you


There shouldn’t be separate brackets but there are 2 ways to Twink currently where you can Que into everyone.

I have 2 level 20 Twinks and we just gear and Twink our characters till we get BiS then turn our exp back on and unsub. Free 2 play is max level 20 so you can Que with everyone. The 20s bracket is mostly Twinks. BiS gear is Legion greens or TBC socket gear it’s a lot of fun.

Other way is people who didn’t buy SL they are Twinked and still doing BGs in that bracket.

I’d recommend looking at the Xpoff forums for more info and some streamers currently are streaming 20’s twink brackets.

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So you want other players to be at a disadvantage, because you won’t put in the minimal amount of effort required to be competitive…in a non competitive game mode.


Fair fights are for arenas and duels.

BG and ganking before war mode on pvp servers was where real gaming happened.

Who wasnt inspired to become the lifeless one from south park back in the day?

I was.

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You can be a twink, Blizzard won’t stop you. All you need is to open an OnlyFans and you’ll be twinking in no time!

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There’s a difference between a gear advantage at level 60 and the difference between a geared twink and a random player. A geared twink, back in it’s heyday, could easily solo entire teams.

Plus there’s an obvious path to fixing the situation at max level- get good, get better gear. Twinking is a contradiction in that respect because it relies on advantages your average green player wont have.


Twinking was so popular that the low level pvp twinks swore they only did it for the challenge of facing each other.
Then Blizz called the bluff and it all but died off when they got their own XP OFF bracket.


Many times I’d go into a WSG where a twink would grab the flag and sit in the graveyard farming for the duration and then /afk right before the game ended so they wouldn’t get exp. This was particularly evident among disc priests.

Twinks disgust me lol

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It was a mistake because separating Ques will always have a negative effect. Which it did for people who enjoy PvP. Now you have to unsub in order to Twink which I think is worse for Blizz. Or not buy the new expansion to Twink. I’m pretty sure this isn’t the way.

I have 2 level 20 twinks that Que against people with Exp on so there are several work arounds now thankfully. However they just need to remove the separate Ques so we can enjoy Twinking in every bracket and not just 20’s and 50’s.

Twinking has made a big comeback recently and there are streamers streaming 20 Twink PvP since you can Que with everyone. Just wish Blizz would get it right and not force you to unsub to enjoy Twinking.

Honestly adding Exp to BGs was a mistake and ruined PvP overall. BGs should be a place where you take a break in leveling to PvP and own it up.

Don’t google “twink” btw

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Basically. why don’t you all come up to 40+ is what many said.

play with all the people who spent gold on the 4/5 loom upgrades and ran the liked dungeon blue dungeons.

I like pvp. and don’t touch it till 40+. there I see others who broke down and paid that 5/5. Its not loom twinking then. Its a qol thing many just do.

since kind of needed to see SL dungeon at level 51. A pure drop only run to 50 does not have ilevel to enter LFD at 51 in SL you see. Quest greens to clear you aren’t getting till 52/53 and the crafted boe’s are level locked too lol.

No, what you want is to stomp people who have no ability or chance to fight back.

Thats what twinks are. For people who cant win a fair fight but really really want to kick puppies.

Enjoy your dead que or levelling 100 alts.


There are two twinking brackets.

One is level 20, where you are Free-to-play, unsubbed, and queue into the XP-On queue.

The other is 50. If you have an account without Shadowlands, you won’t level past 50 and you’ll still be in an XP-On queue. You should check out the website xpoff.com and go to the lvl 50 Shadowlands forum to see how to optimize it.

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Not like what we have now is any different, 10-19 is still plagued with throw away twinks, or xp exploit twinks.

I’d like twinking to come back so everyone can enjoy it, instead of just the exploiters.

Even the thirties bracket had twinks in it last time I played it… I’m guessing all brackets will have a twink or two… it just kills the experience when you can’t legitimetely twink yet there are still twinks.

I know you think this makes you sound hard but im honestly sad for you reading this.


“It’s not fair that a small minority of terrible players aren’t allowed to use massive gear advantages to ruin battlegrounds for the majority of players as they level”