"Why can't we attract new players to stay and play WoW?"

It sucks that people have Oscars and Nobel Prizes and I don’t. I mean, they’re just, like, cheap statues and certificates. Dirty gatekeepers!

Uh no thanks, we don’t need this mentality being pervasive in games.

Lolz no, its generation , competition and mobile gaming.

All my niece and nephews are pretty much on their Ipad all day .
Pc gaming and to some extent console gaming are a dying platform

Agreed lol. But I’m not on that side of the fence. I honestly couldn’t care less what comes back and when

Hmmm this statement has merit! Maybe, you should present it this way, and the other side may find some common ground with you :heart: “Given an opportunity” is definitely a good way to earn something, I agree

This reminds me of that one video called “Why Blizzard hates casual players”, you do have a great point and I do see it how Blizzard only looks at new players as potential piggy banks with the amount of money they can get from them through Subscriptions and Boosters.

If it’s just pixels, why do you care so much? To me, it isn’t pixels, it’s marks of effort and achievement within the context of the game. Yeah, sure, it’s just a game, but if someone got Glory of the Raider in phase one of WotLK and got that Plagued Proto-Drake (I never did), then I’m happy for them, not angry that something exists that I can’t have.

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Do you seriously think new players are turned away because of “time gated items” that they wouldn’t even know about? Items that are obsolete and doesn’t make any gameplay impact?


I was making a comparison to both sides of the argument. I really don’t care about FOMO as a previous response notates.

No need to have such a knee jerk reaction to pointing out the obvious.

I’m all for bringing back things for people to grind out and farm, but this is some next level reasoning right here.

Hey! That’s the year I got my first Intern- oh. um … nevermind.

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First of all we don’t know if new people are playing WOW. Most likely some are. Also we don’t know what the retention of new players is compared to other games.

As for FFXIV, it’s a much newer game with much newer technology. You would expect it to do better. Also they fell flat on their face the first time they tried to launch the game and had to do a rewrite just to get it off the ground. WOW never had that problem.

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I think blizzard has done a decent job with bringing back some limited time stuff so far. The mage tower even if it isn’t the old xmog still gives people the chance to experience the challenges if they missed it in legion and the MoP cloak appearance toy is an excellent compromise to those who have the originals.

They need to just keep doing this moving forward.

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New players don’t want to pay $15/month for a game that looks 15 years old that’s why. There’s tons of cheaper options out there.

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Some people don’t play wow to play dress up barbie.

Idc about time gated fomo content.

Companies use limited-time-offers all of the time to surge usage or purchases during slumps. If they go back on those limited time deals later it makes the people who stick around during those events skeptical and not trust the company when they run the events to keep those items limited. If you continually devalue limited time offers the players who enjoy those will leave.

Exclusivity is valuable to some people. Limited time makes things exclusive.

On the other hand- some people hate limited time exclusivity. So you risk losing those players by not allowing older retired deals re-enter the rotation.

Personally, I think you should honor the deals you make. If you said it’s exclusive, it should remain exclusive. The solution is to not make those deals to begin with.

Yes, that is exactly how it works.

A new player is going to be too busy trying to navigate a mess of a game to notice they don’t have access to 1 mount out of 500.


I have had no problem in getting new people interested in playing WoW and keeping them playing WoW from one xpac to the next. No one ever agrees on everything in the game but for the most part, WoW is very enjoyable to play. If it is not for you, then I suggest you to find something that is and stop whining online.


FF14’s story is a work of art, but the realm reborn arc is a slog.

Realm reborn is the chore you do to get the reward that is heavenward.
Then you must prove your devotion to Yoshi by playing stormblood which is kind of meh.
Which unlocks shadowbringer which is basically the inverse of shadowlands in terms of quality of story.
Then, to show that he is a kind god, Yoshi let’s you go straight into the masterpiece that is endwalker, without an average placeholder expansion.

wow is a lot more fun when u just play the game

Well to be fair, it was like half way through Heavensward that I actually got bored and quit.

I will admit to that being a 100% me thing though, as I’ve never really liked FF’s style of storytelling. My friend finally got me to play FF7 recently(the original, not the remake) and my opinions about that thus far would probably raise a few pitchforks from the FF community.

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