Time gated items aren’t the reason new players aren’t playing the game. They don’t even know they exist and they have zero relevance to the game today.
You didn’t do the content at level when it was fresh and a challenge. You can’t have the reward. Get over it. New players don’t care about any of that.
People don’t play and stay because it’s an old game that benefits from social connections and isn’t as easy to hop into as all the big and popular ones.
Setup an interface, bind keys, write macros, level and gear or…press queue on league?
It’s always kind of silly when it’s suggested that the masses have lost interest because they can’t get some 10-15 year old mog.
I figured it was because MMOs you play on your PC are a tiny niche in a bloated gaming market with minimal appeal outside of the core audience that was established 15-20 years ago.
“It’s your own fault you haven’t been playing since the open alpha. You have only yourself to blame for not subscribing since before you were born.”
I think the accountants are concerned, because more players = more money. Especially players retained for an entire expansion are worth much more than the sale of a box and an unsub within weeks after the player realizes they didn’t get what they were expecting.
“What do you mean I can’t buy an original Ford Model-T at its 1927 MSRP just because I was born decades after it ceased production?! WHY AM I EVEN STILL ALIVE?!”
i think youd be shocked how many people do care about stuff like that. it was one of the things that caused my brother to stop playing about a month after he started the game. not only all of the mounts, pets and gear he wouldnt be able to get, but the story that’s been removed. teldrassil was a big one, new players are tossed into BfA without the slightest clue of what’s going on because the catalyst of the whole war was taken out. wrathion? who the hell is that guy? they wont know, because his entire introduction is gone. wrathgate? nope. etc
Because collecting antique automobiles is surely the same as a videogame where veteran players trash noobs all the time and go out of their way to be unhelpful.
Lol my exact reaction to wrathion when I made a dracthyr was “who is this weird overly pixelated dragon and why is his resolution lower than the other one? Also why is he so much smaller LOL?”
It doesn’t take much effort to prove it, you are right.