"Why can't we attract new players to stay and play WoW?"

Like racism? Oh no I wasn’t removed for that.

<3 Bye sweetie muting.

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If we’re acting upon prejudice, how about we all ignore you since you clearly are a forum alt?


meanwhile your reasoning is “i dont care about it, so obviously nobody does, ever”. lol


muting is a sign of weakness and defeat :slight_smile:

For the benefit of those of us watching at home who have no idea, what is the OP even going on about?

I guess I missed Today’s Daily Outrage We Should All Quit Over.


The only benefit to players are for the ones that like having limited time or rare items. Which is a large number of players despite the shame people try to give people that like that kind of thing. There could be an argument made that limited time items can keep people playing. If they items are only obtained in a group setting that means more players for that content for the time the item is up.

Not everyone plays for the same reason or values the same thing. There are going to be people that just log in for that limited item.

Time gated items suck to be sure, but it’s not really something that’s gonna drive off a lot of new players as they wont be aware of those items.

I think the biggest problem with WoW is that the new player experience just isn’t very good. The overall balance of the leveling portion of the game, the very first thing a new player will see, has been utterly broken for ages and every time anything changes about level scaling it somehow breaks it even worse.

Blizzard has let the majority of the game that isn’t the most current endgame rot, and that just isn’t what new players see first so it’s not their impression of the game. They see the rotted part of the game.

Not that I can’t come up with some reasons why I think FFXIV is only marginally better unless you really enjoy Final Fantasy’s particular brand of storytelling, but that’s another topic entirely.


Literally nobody outside of WoW looks at the game and have their first thought be “wow, .02% of all items are unotainable, guess I’m never playing that game!”
In fact, most successful games have FOMO. Some of them way worse than WoW.

This is a delusional forum cope.


That sounds like owners of certain vehicle brands too, honestly.

So they begin and see items and then get told “no you never will get that”.

Unless you’re going to argue new players are quite literally blind, deaf dumb and stupid and don’t learn and notice things?

My reasoning is that “The proportion of the population who is OCD enough that they stop playing a game because they can’t get a 10-year-old achievement mount is tiny.” I know when you’re mentally ill it’s common to assume lots of people are mentally ill along with you, but it just isn’t so.

So people will see the mounts/pets/the rest and now if they want any of those they are mentally ill?

This is no different than druids who wanted werebear form but were constantly denied it for YEARS. This is ridiculous.

I read this in Borat’s voice. I have been tainted :laughing:


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Or WoW is just 20 years old and will never be as relevant as it was when you were young. Did you know that might be the reason?

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I’m trying to figure out who the OP is right now. The name and manner of speaking screams troll. Is it an old regular or new blood. Based on the FF14 content, feels like an old trolls alt.


Because I think it’s stupid to gatekeep I’m a troll?

That’s ridiculous.

Ion had an interview and I’m more than allowed to comment.

Disagreeing with something does not make it a troll.

Is no one else more curious about this Brooklyn fellow and Team 1 than the nonsense in the OP ?


Their name is literally problematic and they’ve been stirring the pot on the forum all morning. It’s a troll.


If the wanting of something they can’t have leads them to abandon an otherwise-enjoyable pastime, then yes, they are mentally ill. There are tons of time-gated mounts, items, druid shapes, what-have-you, that I don’t have. Like other mentally healthy people, I go, “Meh. Good for those folks. Maybe I’ll get the next cool thing.” and go on with my life. OCD people go “Argh! I can never have the complete set! The game is ruined!”

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