You didn’t. I was discussing why your viewpoints are not synonymous to Blizzard’s or the Genre’s “three pillars”. I made a factual statement that you do not speak for “us”, you speak for yourself. Did I insult you? I don’t know how you come to the conclusion that you “touched my nerve”. Unless that’s just how you respond when you need to project how you actually feel.
Lmao, “attack”? You can’t be serious. Don’t pretend to be some victim here.
Personally I feel FOMO content needs to be an all in or all out kind of thing.
It works in pvp where it’s a new set of gear every season. Each time you know there will be a set of gear to work towards and even if you missed out on the old ones there are new ones to work towards.
In the rest of the game it’s poorly done. Where if you missed one thing you would have liked. There won’t be anything like it next patch/ expansion to work towards and the FOMO items keep changing. E.g going from Mage tower appearances to Brutosaurus.
Not that necessarily it will be a main reason for new people quitting the game. But it could play apart. I think it’s hard to get new players because it’s a dying genre and the entry curve is much steeper now than the beginning of the game to get into harder content. Which is going to drive people away.
I agree. I think this is the majority share of the reason. There’s 18 years of content which can be overwhelming to new players and Blizzard did not do a great job at catching up new players through the leveling experience. They kinda of catered it to returning/existing players who want to level up alts quickly.
I think FOMO content that they don’t even know they missed is the last thing on their mind.
Sure I do, I watch them whine about it all day on the forums.
First of all, I’d want to see the screenies of this conversation. Secondly, if it’s all legit, then he didn’t really want to play warlock. This is what’s referred to as a tantrum.
That must have catalyzed a rollercoaster of emotional turmoil the likes of which they could have never prepared.
Sure. And some things make sense to keep in, like legendary quests that are story relevant. But no matter how you spin it, these items aren’t FOMO (a label the forums like to throw around far too liberally), and people who don’t want to play the game because they can’t use a fraction of a percent of all other appearances aren’t really interested in the game.
honestly i’m a mega casual returning player who didn’t play SL and i’m back because i like the dracthyr. a way blizzard could retain my sub without dramatically altering existing pve systems ilke M+ is through social avenues: housing, collectible customization (like the undead belf skin!), more emotes, casual glamours that aren’t simply store locked.
I came back a couple weeks ago and started pushing on gear and levels for different specs.
If I didn’t know Warlock already and were a new player seeing how everything is hovering around a 1.5+ second cast would be seriously undesirable. Everything feels like you can’t get off and feels very slow and makes the game feel overall slower.
Then I get on outlaw and immediately feels improved leaping into packs and blowing them up. Ditto for the blood DK.
Much of the reason new players dislike WoW is its now-ancient artsy style and even older input design and spec design.
Yea your reaching, and no they dont care. Imagine blaming bad retention on having a couple of limited time items our of thousands of items. New players dont care, most new players dont even know about transmog
Oh, they will. When we learned about one thing with the $3k Feldrake mount, than it is the fragile circumstances which are going to break when facing reality. Nothing lasts, nothing is given.
This game doesn’t do well in teaching new players how to play and these new players don’t want to spend their free time learning how to play outside of the game by having to watch videos and read guides to do end game content.
I mean everybody here thinks your wrong even blizzard so i dont know what to tell you. Not having challenge mode gear in the game doesnt break player retention.
Fell drake was never a limited time item, it wasnt an achievement or rare item it was a pay to win card item its completely different to challenge mode rewards
Your not wrong. I was explaining to someone how I got the original Quel’serrar when they noticed that I had simply “Quel’serrar” and not the Burnished or Gleaming one for my mog. So I told them the story, went to the bank and broke out the original weapon and they were like “WOW. That’s so damned cool. How do I start it?”
And then I had to break the news that it was unattainable now.