Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

You’re demonstrating my point to a T.

Continuing to prove my point…

Allow me to educate you:

To qualify as FOMO, something (an event or item being sold) has to meet the following criteria:

  1. It has to be marketed as limited in availability and other consumers will experience it in their stead
  2. A consumer has to feel compelled to act now or miss it all together (and this is where everyone shuts their brain off)
  3. The event or item in question causes the consumer to act on impulse or against their best judgement to mitigate 1 and 2.

Impulse in this context is defined as “a sudden wish or urge that prompts an unpremeditated act or feeling; an abrupt inclination.”

I would argue the tower didn’t satisfy the second half of 1. Given that the tower was available for over a year and marketed before that, it doesn’t satisfy the 3rd element at all.

Go back to clown school, shew.