Why cant maintenance wait?

There’s a giant queue of people angry about their guild bank items being deleted from 3 weeks ago.

I’m sure they’d prefer an extra maintenance to get their items restored.

12 to 2 am where?

PST, they’re California based.

Also, they just unionized. No one is forcing anyone to work those hours when they have the union preventing that nonsense.

Same and here we are… every time im off theres a maintenance.

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PST… Where they are. Make em come in at those hours to fix their mistakes and I bet they get it right the first go round.

No. This is widespread and only started near the end of Dragonflight. Of course there has occasionally been an issue due to server stress/lag where it happened randomly, but this is not the same problem (even though the cure is the same)

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I know where they are based. It was a rhetorical question aluding to the meaning of time zones.

If it returns our stuff to our guild banks that went poof a month ago, I’m all for the maintenance!

Bring it on!

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What game breaking bug is there that currently exists that we haven’t lived with already, that can’t wait until Tuesday?

People work different hours. This is the time I have to play and every day my play time is either erased or massively reduced. That’s not cool.

What an interesting viewpoint. You are all a bunch of entitled weirdos. You live in the future and are so upset when you can’t “push button, get thing” any time you want.

Entitled Weirdo. Hey, thanks. I’m gonna get a T-shirt with that emblazoned on the front AND back. Thank you.

You said it yourself. People work different hours. Why are YOU special?

Also “every day”, oh bugger off this has been a hugely smooth launch by any MMO standards.

Blizzard is my favorite gaming company. There is a valid reason for them to have the maint. window extended. In the meantime, I am playing one of their other amazing games in the cool Battlenet Launcher!

I have no doubt that you spend a large amount of your budget on novelty T-shirts.

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One could only hope. It was happening in DF too atleast during S4.

My good WoW friend lost his guild banks with nearly 20 years of collections. I’m devastated for him and hoping for a fix. My crappy bank was of course unaffected.

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I’m sorry to hear that.
100’s of us are in the same boat.